The Nothing Page essentially contains things that could only be of interest to you voyeurs out there. Things such as pictures of my fiance, Tim, and I, info about us, and links to pages we've either made or find incredibly fascinating. So...just take your time perusing, and if you have an incredibly fascinating page you'd like us to see, just leave the addy in our mailbox and we'll get back to you ASAP.
Enjoy, and smile!

My rat, Brat, aptly named. Me,(Courtney),trying to be sexy for Tim Still trying to be sexy Succeeding (in Tim's words) at being sexy
Wishing by now I WAS sexy *L* My cats Frodo and Ming..they seem to like one another..a little much.. *wink* Frodo seems to have a fondness for Ariel A picture I drew
Ming, my kitten, I had to give him away *pout* My other cat, with Ming. His name is Midnight.. stupid as hell, he is My fiance's bro..he doesn't seem to like what's behind the cam too much My girls..Brat and Star...
Neems is skatin like a pro! My wonderful fiance And him again! Here we are, together at last
At the Willowbrook mall in Langley, BC, Canada.

And now, for the bio's.

All backgrounds and graphics done at