T or F
1. We need to constantly remind the Lord about our latest sins when we pray.
2. Our prayers should consist of lists of our sins and needs and wants, and everything else, including Christ, takes second place.
3. Ephesians 1:6 speaks of being accepted in the Beloved, which means we shall be accepted after a thorough-going process of clean-up and sanctification is completely first.
4. In the Word Christ reveals to us what pleases him and what does not please him.
5. Fellowship with God, getting to know his glorious attributes, is a minor part of our inheritance in Christ that we can enjoy now on this earth.
6. We can fellowship with the Lord and get to know him better without much prayer--as it isn't the amount of praying we do, but the quality.
7. We have to keep repenting to be able to merit Christ's fullness; otherwise, we are blocking his blessings promised to us when we were sealed by the Holy Spirit.
8. Prayer is a work--and by prayer we can work out our salvation.
9. Acceptance by God is a gradual thing, earned by our performance as a Christian.
10. Being sealed by the Holy Spirit when we trust and believe in Jesus as Savior does not mean we are entitled to all the fullness of Christ, nor does it mean we have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit God wants for us to have--He isn't going to lavish these things on undeserving people who aren't fully committed yet.