Near Death Experience

Dodd, Debra. "The Effects of Religion and Religiousness on Near Death Exprience Beliefs." (Unpublished Research Study) Evansville. IN: The University of Southern Indiana, 1989.

Dodd, Debra. "Near Death Experience Phenomenon." (Unpublished Paper) Evansville, IN: The University of Southern Indiana, 1989.


Dodd, Debra. "The Enlightened Brotherhood: Freemasonry as an Instrument of Social Change." (Unpublished Paper) Evansville, IN: The University of Southern Indiana, 1989.

Dodd, Debra. "Militia Templi: The Military Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon." (Unpublished Paper) Evansville, IN: The University of Southern Indiana, 1989.