ok the hanson hangout used to have a fan club called hung-up on hanson. we also had a newsletter called the hanson times. just recently i gave up my rta list called hiym, better known as hanson in your mailbox. well now that i have the time and can appreciate things like this, i am going to start a fan club again. the club will have certain get togethers in the chattroom and lots of fun stuff. thanks to a certain 238 ppl who are still members of the old newsletter, you guys really rock and it makes me really happy. so you can join the fan club starting now and a newsletter will be sent out at least, hopefully, once a week. it wont be any certain day, but once a week. there will also be a special graphic, which i haven't made yet, that members can put in there e-mail and/or on there webpages. i hope you join! the name of the club is h.f.a.p. which simply means hanson fan and proud.

join hfap
quit hfap

pleae visit my club's sponser:
