They Don’t Care


“They” don’t care if I believe..

they just want me to do it silently.

Does this mean I can’t sing to You when I want?
Does this mean I can’t talk to You when I want?


“They” don’t care if I worship,

they just don’t want to see me in prayer.

Does this mean I must hide before I can bow?

Does this mean the earth can not be my church?


“They” don’t care if I have faith,

they just don’t want to know about it.

Does this mean when great miracles occur that

I can’t praise Your name and give thanks?


If “they” don’t care, God, why do they want so much?

© Copyright Brenda Hager, July 2002
Do not use or reproduce without permission

""When the heart sings and the spirit soars,
the music of life is complete."
bkh - October 99
"Love is the music the heart sings best."
"To bring you laughter each morning and warmth at night...
would bring me joy at all hours." :c)

©Danny Hahlbohm ~ used with permission
name of painting is "Little Precious One"

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