For Those You Love
Smile each day
for those you love.
Let them know by the
brightness of your face
that you are happy they’re
in your life. Even if
are times you argue and
Touch each day
those you love.
Hold them close, even
if briefly.
The human touch is one
of the
most comforting things
in our
world, and one of the
most reassuring.
Speak softly each day
to those you love.
Those whispers of intimacy
that tell them that what
you say
is important but
for their ears and their
ears only.
Muse quietly each day
of those you love.
Allow yourself to find
those things
that you truly admire
and respect
in that person. Forgetting,
at least
for the moment, any of
the negative.
Allow yourself to be
to those you love.
It is a most frightening
to be without shields,
but it can
also be the most wonderful
flight in
the world to find another
holds your
spirit carefully within
their heart.
Believe that you deserve
those you love.
Your love is the most
gift that you can bestow
on another
human. You deserve to
be loved in
return. Without constraints.
Without reserve.
Be honest
with those you love.
Let them know how important
they are in your life.
Take care that they never
have to
guess at what you think
and feel.
There may come a time
when they
walk away..and then would
you regret
not telling them? In
all possible ways?
If you’re getting’s
because you are important
to me.
Watch for me today as
I smile into
your eyes, speak softly
into your ear
and touch you gently
with hands and
heart full of love.
© Copyright Brenda Hager, July 2000
Do not use or reproduce without permission
""When the heart sings and the spirit soars, the music
of life is complete."
bkh - October 99
"Love is the music the heart sings best."
"To bring you laughter each morning and warmth at night...
would bring me joy at all hours." :c)
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"When the heart sings...
the music that love brings is in tune."
BKH - November 1999