Rest With Me
Rest your spirit in my warm embrace
Let my healing touch wrap itself around you
and comfort the strife that tears at your center.
See the future through my eyes with all it’s
wonders and mysteries and know that
moving away from one thing often means
moving towards a new horizon.
Let me smooth the furrows from your brow
and gentle the sadness that comes from every day
life away. Join me in looking beyond today into
a peaceful and calm tomorrow.
Take my hand and know that it embodies not
just the threads of destiny but the hand of a friend as well.
Always there with an ear to listen
even if there’s nothing really to say.
Always there with a hand to hold
even if it’s just to feel the touch of another.
Reflect my smile with your own
and we’ll find that one
shared and joined with laughter
will help us on the journey.

© Copyright Brenda Hager, January 1998
Do not use or reproduce without permission

""When the heart sings and the spirit soars,
the music of life is complete."
bkh - October 99
"Love is the music the heart sings best."
"To bring you laughter each morning and warmth at night...
would bring me joy at all hours." :c)

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