Spirit's Song

In the quiet of evening
I listen to the humming of
my soul.
It carries a melody of
hope that cuts through the
gloom of any doubts.
Peace surrounds me
as it’s beauty washes over
my senses.
I find myself calm,
surrounded by the soft strands of song
that were penned by you.
My spirit’s song…
sing on your refrain.
Allow me to hear the secrets
you hold within.
And with that gentle voice
guide me safely through to
discover more of who I am..
and what I shall be…
and who will walk with me.

© Copyright Brenda Hager, January 1998
Do not use or reproduce without permission

""When the heart sings and the spirit soars,
the music of life is complete."
bkh - October 99
"Love is the music the heart sings best."
"To bring you laughter each morning and warmth at night...
would bring me joy at all hours." :c)

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"When the heart sings and the spirit soars,
the music of life is complete. :c)"
BKH - October 1999