If you're looking for some author web pages, writer's resources or fun sites, check out the links below. If any links are not active, please let me know. I am not responsible for site content. Okay?

Author Pages:

Carolyn Arsen

Elizabeth Delisi

Lois Richer

Denise Hunter

Alicia Rasley

Tracy Jones

Gail Gaymer Martin

Penny Marzec

RWA Chapters I belong to:



Romance Writers of America - National Office


Writer's Resources:

Agent Search

Writer's Digest



Writers Write

Harlequin Books and Submission Guidelines

Painted Rock Writers Colony

Word A Day

Legal Fiction

Reference Desk

Research It!


Freelance Writing 101

Robert McKee

Writng the Fiction Synopsis - Pam McCutcheon


Mystery & Suspense Workshop

Book in a Week Challange

The Dreaded Synopsis - Elizabeth Sinclair

Romantic Times

Reststop Newsletter

The Romantic Bower

Association of Author's Representatives

Focus - Literary Agents

Writer Online

Fun Sites:

Frogspit's Pond

Wild Palomino

Full Moon Graphics

Susan's Needleworks















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