Allow us to give you a tour of acres of poppy fields, where you'll meet the relaxed, friendly workers who harvest and process the flowers to make packets of "things". Duty-free samples of "things" available for purchase in our gift shop will be labelled "coffee" and cost between $700 to $1,200 per pound depending on market availability and how bad you need it.

Amuse yourself with antiques looted from six continents - many of which can be found in the various quaint shops lining Ashes of Civilization Avenue. End tables, wrought iron lamps, Ricky Martin posters and daughters are priced as-is; any attempts to barter are often met with a stern look, a hot poker or near-endless hours of screaming torture performed by a laughing shopkeeper. All items packaged and shipped in crates labelled "coffee". Major credit cards accepted.

As a result of the brief short wave radio craze in the fall of 1973, Radio Shack built several dozen retail outlets and one-stop depots on the Island of Deth before an error in the 1972 United Nations census showed the population to be 17,000, not 17 million. All but six have since gone bankrupt, but the survivors continue to sell the same high quality Tandy computers, Heavy Duty nine volt batteries and miles and miles of colored wire that put their name on the map two decades ago. Major credit cards are also accepted. All items are shipped wrapped in cheap butcher paper marked "coffee".