Dragons Eye and the Whispering Stones
Upon these pages and hallowed leaves of the Wisdom of the Druids and Wittans,One and all will embark upon the Sacred journey,that will lead to the Souls unfoldment.
The Dragons Eye Scry's the Past and the Future,the Paths of the Pagan and the Old Religion.It is the Guardian of the Threshold,the Holy Trine that enfolds upon itself and reveals with Energy and Fire,the Forge and Truth upon which the Old Ways must Stand and Cross the Ancestral River of Life.
The Whispering Stones is the Boundery of the Circle of Life and Magicks fold,that contains the Goddess and God Energy in a Spiral of Twin-Luminous Flames that encompasses that which becomes the Sacred Altar,the Dragon of Old that Reaps upon the Self Treasures of Hidden Troves,Arcanums of the Wisdom of the Ages.
Who would dare to embark the Immrama,the Journey of the Spirit that leads to the Circle of Stones and the Holy Dragons Eye?
Who would entreat to the DragonsGates to the Realms of Wisdom made Arcane?
Whom would have the courage to espy the Stones yet unturned and Read the Scrollings writ upon the the DragonStone?