(In the interior of BC about 7 hours northeast of Vancouver.)

Useless Records
(Scott - 250-392-5211, fax - same number, email - shilton@sos-connect.com,
web page -http://nsq.home.bc.ca)
234 Borland St./Williams Lake/BC
New and used CDs, tapes, records, t-shirts, skates, and more to
come. Some show promotion as well.


Poser Wear
(Scott - 250-392-5211, fax - same number,
web page http://nsq.home.bc.ca)
234 Borland St./Williams Lake/BC
Poser Wear is a very cool clothing label. Scott makes spoof
t-shirts like the word Geek written like the Nike slogan, or
No Life instead of No Fear. Very cool. Write for a catalog.
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