The Thrift's Photo Page

Here are a few Photos of family and friends:

    On our trip to Russia with the Navigators we stayed in Pushkin near St. Petersburg with the Creaches.  I spent much of the day as "a visiting fireman" touring the hospitals and "Policlinics" in St. Pete.  The Russian medical system is somewhat different than the American system.  They rely on triage at the Policlinic then referral to a specialty hospital.  A typical specialty "residency" may be as little as six months.  The concept of "Family Practice" was new to them.  
    We went to Russia with the Navigators in October 1993.  The group of doctors from the USA went for foreign exchange.  We spoke on various topics from emergency medical response system to travel medicine.  I spoke on Neonatal Resuscitation.   One of the doctors, Joseph Kezele MD gave his talk in Russian.  Very impressive!
    Here is Aloyna with Paulina right after birth.  We met Aloyna in St. Petersburg, Russia.  She came with Dick and Alice Creach to study business at the Thunderbird Academy of International Business.  I got to deliver Paulina here in Prescott, Arizona; Aloyna's first baby.

Nicole's  Sweet Sixteen:

Anonymous Party Goers.
  Nix and Yo Put on airs... I think that's Nix and Yo.

...Of course some don't know when there's too much of a good thing.