Medical Clinics

The "Kids" from the local church helped immeasurably in setting up the
Clinic.  They organized the patients, set up the gym and kept every thing
running smoothly.  We could not have handled the crowd without them.
Steve and the gang with Laptop

Steve Herrmann has developed a special relationship with the church in
Quito.  Here he's designing emblems for the T-shirts for the church group.
Cool Huh?

The opening day a Ecuadorian nurse came up to us and presented her
credentials.  She said she would like to help however she could.

Flo and Giovonna in the Pharm

Giovonna was a great help! She was able to get the medicines to the patients.
She translated the directions, and made sure they were understood.  Here
She's helping Flo and Kim with the hordes.  Flo has been on many missions
with ETF.  She jumped right in to the Pharmacy making sure it all ran well.
She does this for the fun of it, and has a good time doing it.  Flo is very
excited with the progress the ETF program "save a child" brings to kids
in the villages.  Vitamins are delivered to the children in a village on an
ongoing basis.  She lights up telling about the changes you can see in their
health on return trips.

Miss Ann took over the "bichos" station.  All children under 8 were given a "worm" treatment.  This is part of the "save a child" program, reducing the parasite load on the kids.
Ann and the Worms

And of course" there was that last bottle... I know I saw it when I unpacked!"Mike's search