Back in Town

Miss Ann, Pastor Don, and Chris enjoy the evening air  on the back
patio of the Gilgal house. The view across the "barranca" is of green
hills, the nice houses in that neighborhood, and the lights of Quito
on the hillside of Pichincha.  We spent the evenings after clinic
talking about the patients we had seen that day.
Ann, Don and Chris
Steve had hired a cook to prepare our meals at the end of the day.
We all were treated great food every night.
Soups on

Kim had a memorable 15th birthday.  The cooks made a wonderful cake. He of course celebrated by cracking open a fresh bottle of Fanta! Mickey is behind him leading "Happy
birthday boy
kids in the square The kids in the square after church were there to steal Heather and Lenore's hearts.  They were curious and always right there for a picture.  Many of the kids on the street are on their own, and have only each other for family.

A great time in Quito, we are already talking about when we can go back.


Guagua Pichincha 10/7/99  7:06 am ps: Guagua Pichincha did erupt at 7:06 am October 7, 1999.  Dramatic but without injury.