Welcome to the James Tillet PORTER & wife Margrett Chastain
Updated 5F2010:
Recent DNA test results that show who James Tillet Porter's
ancestors and cousins are is posted at
. Only members of this Porter family are eligible to join this
group and the one at .
I was told by Judy Porter B. that the first husband of James Tillet Porter's wife Margaret Chastain was David Vinson, son of James Vinson, a French Huguenot from Goochland Virginia. They divorced and he remarried and lived in Georgia. The Chastain Family of Goochland VA or The French Huguenots of Goochland VA contains information about the Vinson & Chastain Families. William Porter of Henrico, VA married Magdalene Chastain. A Vinson Family was also in Anson NC.
This Porter family has been extraordinarily blessed with a sense of community and with members who have generously sacrificed to preserve and disseminate its genealogy and family history. If you think you might be a member of this family, please send your address, etc. to so we can help you find your ancestors, notify you of family reunions, new web sites, etc.
Please copy or print out this FORM,
then fill in the information and mail it to cousin Hershell at
to include in our ancestral charts and preserve in our
family archives.
NEWS: The last time I visited Cousin Hershell, his widow told me that he had died. Let us pray that another member of our family will try to lead and serve us as he did.
* * PORTER REUNION 2002 * *On 10 Jun 2002 Cousin Hershell D. PORTER <>
wrote the letter below to,,,,,,, Excitement is already building as we organize the PORTER reunion for this year. We are looking forward to this being the largest attendance ever. This is your invitation to make it happen. Please mark your calendar now and spread the word to your other family members. Come and hear about our ROOTS beginning in Bristol England arriving in the “New Country” in 1635. It’s all documented and exciting……don’t miss this reunion. Also the descendents of SUSAN Porter have been found and we will have people from her clan to share with us. You will learn where she is buried. New Porter relatives will be here for the first time. As you know Susan Porter was a daughter to James Tillet Porter. We have her picture and will have other pictures on display. You may want to plan to visit the Nazareth Church Cemetery about 2 miles away where James Tillet and wife Margaret Vincent Porter, and other Porters, are buried. Date: Sunday June 30. Time: 1:30 PM Bring: Food Basket (“Well Filled”), serving spoons, Lawn Chairs, Ice tea or soft drink and your favorite desert. New Project: This year we will receive a special offering to began a cemetery fund at Nazareth Baptist Church. Make your gift payable to Nazareth Baptist Church. It is tax deductable. We will provide all paper products: Plates, cups, napkins, forks, knives, spoons, plastic table cloths and ice. DIRECTIONS:From Blacksburg At Broad River Baptist Church go south on S. Charleston Street for approximately 3 ½ miles. Go right where 99 Island Road forks 1 mile to Porter Road on left. Turn left onto Porter Road and go ¼ mile on right to old Porter home place. View MAPS of roads to the site of the Porter reunion. If you need to get in touch, send email to: REMEMBER: Sunday, June 30, 2002, time 1:30 PM. |
On 27 May 2001 Mr. Hershell D. PORTER <> wrote: "I received an e-mail from my cousin in Blacksburg and she wants to continue having the Porter reunion at the same time which is the 4th Sunday of June which is on the 24th. Everyone brings a basket and we gather around 1:00 PM and have lunch at 1:30. On 7 Jun 2001 Mr. Hershell D. PORTER also wrote that he hopes a scanner will be brought "to capture some of the pictures that he has encouraged people to bring to the Porter reunion", so anyone who wants to help preserve family records is invited to bring a scanner and computer.
These links are to cousin Hershell's Tillet Porter family database:
You might meet others who are researching your ancestors by
reading and writing messages on the PORTER bulletin board at
or on the Cherokee county bulletin board at
View PHOTOGRAPHS of this family and its last reunion.
Read EMAIL received about this web page.
Email from:
Hershell D.PORTER
John Franklin PORTER
James Tillet "Indian James" PORTER ( 1791 ? - 1893 ) and his wife Margrett CHASTAIN (1828 - 1892) are buried in an old cemetery at the Nazareth Baptist Church near a paved road known as 99 Island Road or Highway #43, a few miles south of Blacksburg in Cherokee County, South Carolina. The church is about .2 mile from the 99 Island Dam on the Broad River, well within the original boundaries of the earliest known homeland of the Cherokee nation (James Tillet PORTER may have had Cherokee ancestors).
Sons of James Tillet Porter (1791 - 1893) were:
A daughter of James Tillet Porter's was:
Other descendants of James Tillet Porter are:
Did Tillet have a brother named "Indian John"?
Was this James Tillet Porter (1791 - 1893) related to different James Tillet Porter (1842 - 1933)?
If you try to trace the above families one generation further back you may understand how difficult, irreplaceable and costly this knowledge and research is, so why lose it? Add what information you can while you can so it too can be passed on to future generations who may want to know.
Benefit future generations by storing relevant, true and useful facts about your own family safely and cheaply for centuries by recording it with your deeds, wills, etc., wherever you live.
View LINKS to Cherokee and other web sites.
An interesting web site about another Porter family is at
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