Paradigm Honey
Love, n. A temporary insanity
curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under
which he incurred the disorter. Thisdisease, like caries and many other
ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial
conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food
enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently
to the physician than to the patient.
-The Devil's Dictionary-,
Ambrose Bierce
No rainfall produces such delicious wounds
as the biting clasp of your eyes
falling into mine melting as the sun would rapture
a ticklish rose.
Screaming silently the pores radiate a glow
of forever and a day past your prime you shatter
cold dry winds caressing your legs
in this warm bed you created
with only your hands
and a deep yearning for something to cherish.
Wishing for snowfall and surpressing rationality
whatever it takes to run over a day
to stop time and to shatter tangible existence
so we can enjoy a minute passing
without embarassing ourselves in our stripped
bare splendor
in cups of kisses and draining pale gestures
a snapping of lightening from every embrace
chase down the ghost of effervescent disgust
slide off the false smile and rancid shock
something crawls deep into your throat while
you sleep
beauty casts sickly shadows in your sedate
everything sits silently awaiting your footsteps
inches of quivering flesh awaiting your stories
threads of rainbow wax and carnage visors
we swallow your lips whole.
(c) 1998 Zillah