For Naomi (scribed 12/19, much tinkered with)
Love is a shadow.
To love is to accompany,
staying quietly at hand
through the crowded daytime streets,
slipping between your beloved
and blank indifference.
Dress in grey.
You are the unnoticed protection
You are the skin.
But shift to black when night comes.
Then, with all the books put aside,
all sagas dropped
like stitches,
you will rise and go
to wander through the dark
at a distance.
Avoid streetlights.  Their round orange pools
will betray you into shards.
Sidle up occasionally
in silence; create the trailing
  sensation of a presence...
Be the echo behind, the loping sentinel
And sometimes, like a shadow,
you will be called upon
to emerge around from anonymity
And lead ahead, fully known,
a kissing, beckoning
negative shine.
quicksilver (also scribed 12/19, but not tinkered wi' mooch)
a smattering of roses
the sunset shouting
  its last bronze joy
    to the sky
whitewashed adobe walls
made warm and swollen
  with early September
he is on a balcony
eyes lit by the West
the wind is lifting him
  so that
  his wingtips
are made of mercury.
now he sails out
over boundless roofs
tasting a harsh suspension
  of air sharp ripened.
it is gritty with dust
  and smashed illusions
moist with blood and fever.
the horizon stretches out
  to acknowledge him
his hair buoyed on dreams
  seeping up from his mind
as he sails blithely seaward
he is sleeping on the wing.
you, you took your face off
and donned a fresh one smiling
like a whore shucking her dress.
it lies crumpled in the corner
faded and sad
your moral integrity, crazy quilt patchwork.
carrying a pencil between her teeth
like a rose to tango.
those are fragmenty bits - hmm...
trouble brewing
hush, hush
the faucets say
shut the door to your shame
and bury your woes
beneath the kitchen
i burned off the quill of my pen
for i have never liked such bourgeois pretenses
more trouble brewing (written one minute later)
i am up so late
the digital clock has succumbed to sleep.
i have been writing madly
since the absorption of some other
  printed lunacy
dropped the notion wriggling into my ear.
i don't ask for these tittering words to come
but they overrun the refined parlor in my head
and must be extracted
like rotten teeth.
Further blabbery and sputtering is available for your enjoyment in Somacrow's unpretentious little smurfhole. Visit here here ---->
back to the chronicles of a death foretold (la poesie)
or scurry to a netherland of unravaged beauty (la corpsey!)