Tinkerbell The Jealous Fairy:

Tinkerbell is, in my opinion, a jealous pixie because in the Walt Disney Movie, she got jealous of Peter Pan and Wendy and tried to kill Wendy, therefore resulting in her bannishment for a week. Tinkerbell is a really cool pixie who, is worried about losing her "man" Peter.

People often wonder why I like Tinkerbell and here's the reason:

1. She is pretty and not a dumb blond.

2. She's a pixie

3. She has flaws ie: not a perfect woman.

4. She is not entirely made of plastic.

Most people wonder why I have a fascination and enjoy collecting Tinkerbell memorabilia. After all, she's just a cartoon character, right? My answer is that most people enjoy collecting something and mine just happens to be Tinkerbell. I'm not your average stamp collecting gal.

If you've ever watched the movie, have you noticed that Tinkerbell never talks, she just makes a weird tinkling sound. Personally, I think it would be interesting to see what Tinkerbell would sound like and what she would say if she could speak. However, I do admit that it might make take away from her character. I do not have anything against the movie, it is afterall a Walt Disney Classic. good.

If you ever go to Disneyland, wait in line for the Peter Pan ride. It's neat, not just because you get to see Tinkerbell, but because you get to fly over the city of London and see all the little cars driving along the streets. You get to fly in these really neat boats too. (To add something- I went to Disneyland again this past summer (August 2002) and somehow I missed seeing her- but I think I must have just blinked or something !).

So make sure you go to Disneyland(the happiest place on earth). And if you haven't seen Peter Pan, or Hook, make sure to watch them. Add Me!

As of the beginning of February, a NEW Peter Pan movie has been released! For all you Tink fans, she is featured a lot more in this movie than in the previous movie. The movie itself isn't that bad if you can get past all the seemingly hokey aspects of the plot. I will have more pics from the movie and possibly a new web site to go with it, providing my University schedule allows for some time.

Did    you    know....

Tinkerbell was "created" in the 1950's. She was based on the figures(that's why she has such big hips, and her dress is that style) of Marilyn Monroe and Dorris Day. (A site viewer e-mailed me a while ago to tell me that this piece of information is incorrect. I will do some research to find out the correct information.)

The newest (although it may not be new to some of you Tinkerbell know alls) Tinkerbell information that I have, is that Tinkerbell is not one word but two. Yes, that's right folks it is Tinker Bell not Tinkerbell like I have spelled it.

I am sad to say that the great creator of tinkerbell, Marc Davis, has passed away. I would like to commend him on creating a character that will withstand the test of time, although unfortunately, he could not.

If you ever want to see Tinkerbell, personally, just go to Disneyland. She does her own Fantasy In The Sky fireworks.(And as of August 2002 it is still on).

For around the world shopping, they have Disney stores worldwide. In fact, I was amaazed to see a Disney store in Florence, Italy, when I was there a short while ago.">

Last week (April 2003) I painted Tinkerbell on the back of my door. It was really easy and looks pretty good. If you're interested, e-mail me and I'll let you know how I did it- I did it partially freehand.">


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