Seva Sangam Girls' Higher Secondary School

Nearly three thousand students are studying in the campus, of which majority of the students are from the Seva Sangam Destitute Home, Government backward class and backward class hostels. Almost all are from ver poor families residing in and around Tiruchi. Of the total 90% are first generation school goers and learners. The management of Tiruchi Seva Sangam select the teachers and do the admission. We stand by the Motto " SERVICE TO THE POOR".

Good discipline and good education are the hallmark of the school. Today the school is proud to have among its alumini who are Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Nurses and Technicians in the various sectors, both government and private.

From the year 1995, the mangement made a humble start sending deserving candidates for higher education, shouldering the entire responsibility of eductional and boarding epenses.

This endevour is impossible without help from sponsors and we look for help from people like you.

If you have any questions on how you or your community groups can help, please write to The Secretary, and will receive a prompt reply, Or email The Secretary ( ) for assistance.


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