Quotes and Theories



"I gave you my virginity, and I want it back!---T.J. Peacock


" A lot of people believe in the big bang theory. I do. But consider this. Have you ever had De ja vu? Alright, I dont believe this, but it is interesting. One major piece of evidence that supports the big bang is the expansion of the universe. But is there an end to the expansion? In other words, how far can it go, and what happens when it gets there? What if it all comes back together into that point of infinite energy, and explodes again? Then everything happens exactly the same. All evolution or creation starts over again following the same path as before. Then everything repeats itself. We have lived this life millions of times before. (Can you grasp it Hindus?) Each time we die, our brain retains just a little knowledge or a memory. That is why we have de ja vu, because it has really happened before."---T.J. Peacock. A few other people might believe this. So if you think I stole it (unless it is copywrited) bite my ass!


"I only have 4 words, ‘it dont get no better than this’"---Otis Nixon after the Braves won the pennett in the 9th inning.


"I want to get 1000 or 1500 yards, whichever comes first" ---George Rodgers on his goals for his rookie season.


"Ill choke yo gimp ass"---Can’t tell you who said this. Well I could, but I won’t. He wasnt talking to me anyway.


"Then my good friend inertia, who was with me all the time, threw me through the windshield" ---Robert Aultman, Oconee County science teacher.


"Sure, that ball of ice is on fire"---Whit Beall after seeing Deep Impact


"In the end, when all is said and done, usually more has been said than done"---Dont Know. Does anyone?


"You know how they say that you give your virginity to someone? Well, if you get theirs, are you even? Can you give someone somebody elses virginity?" ---T.J. Peacock


"Were gonna scratch and claw and play hard and its gonna be a dog fight and we just hope to come out on top"---Former Georgia Coach Ray Goff


"Know Thy Self"---Socrates


"Cant we all just get along?"---Rodney King


"No son, potato has an e on the end of it"--- Dan Quale


"Mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates"---Forrest Gump


"In New York City, traffic signals are just rough guidelines"---David Letterman


"When I was a boy, my dad worked in a board game factory. We were so poor that we had to eat little monopoly chips and wear games as clothes. My mom would always try to wrap these Twister suits around me before I went to school. All the boys would just wait to kick my ass. And getting your ass kicked wearing a twister is twice as bad. Theyd all be yelling all be yelling, ‘right foot red, left hand blue"---Eddie Murphy from "Raw"


"Have a good day, if you dont, its your fault"---Greg Slattery, Offensive Line Coach at OCHS


"I did NOT inhale"---President Bill Clinton


"I did NOT have sex with Ms. Lewinsky"---President Bill Clinton


"You dont need a women if have a porno tape"---South Alabama idea


"If you drop out of school, well take your drivers license so you cant go to work"---Georgia State Government


"I am not a crook!"---Richard Nixon


"Who the devil are you?"---Montgomery Burns, The Simpsons


"Oconee sucks! Go back to OC rednecks! Were gonna jack yall up."---Some really poor kids from Winder-Barrow before the Oconee offensive line ran out on the field for warmups. It is really ironic that they called us rednecks, and Oconee won 24-7. I yelled a profanity at all of them anyway.


"I dont care if we get jerseys or not, I’ll go out there and play naked."---Coach Della Torree, coach of the 9th grade team at OCHS.

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