Not responsible for banner ads above but at least it stops Tripod's pop-up windows!

Photographs and Memories
Photo Album

.... to my 2nd online photo album! *S*
This site will always be under construction and development! *L*
Enter my photo album here or click on the album above. *S*

Animated graphic courtesy of Kitty's Pageworks
© Above animated graphic courtesy of Kitty's Pageworks.
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Visit Cinnaminn's Reading Corner!
Visit Fantassia's Palace!

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Cinn's Creations

Please visit Anais's Fantasia For You and see what wonderful things she has there for adults. *S* Visit Anais's Fantasia site!

Please visit Kevin's HP if you would like to hear some wonderful original music written and sung by him! *S*
Order his CD today. It's good! *S*
Visit Kevin's HP and get your copy of his CD today!
This is the FIRST animated banner that I've made using Paint Shop Pro 5.0+! *S*

Top of page.

Web page design, content, background and some graphics created and done by Cheryl.
Guestbook courtesy of htmlGEAR.
Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR
Created as of 15 May 2000 and updated as of 18 May 2000.