Once you've created your page, be sure to check it out with the Free WebSite Garage Tune- Up:
The HTML Goodies Home Page: 50 tutorials on HTML, learn everything you need to know about creating your own web page; images, backgrounds, sound files and much more
Scott's Home Page-HTML Tutorial: Great site with excellent tips & links!
Web Weavers: Lots of Clip Art and Tools Web Pages:)
The Clip Art Gallery: The best place to get clip art on the web
FLOWERS ICON SITE: Beautiful Flower Graphics
Wade's Web Resource: Wonderful site
The Background Sampler: TONS of backgrounds for your site
Just Jane Graphics: The CUTEST Graphics...Bears and More:)
Rose's Animated GIFS: Super Animations
TOONWORLD: Free graphics for personal and non-profit use:)
Shawn's Free Web Art: Great site!
Learning Network: Doorway to Vitural U, FREE Online computer courses
GINI'S CONNOISEUR COLLECTION: Rare Clip Art and Graphics!!!: WONDERFUL Collection of Graphics!
100,000 FREE!!! Cool Graphics:Clip Art, Backgrounds, Animation : More than you will ever use!!!
OVER THE RAINBOW: Tons of Free Clipart: Beautiful Clipart and more!
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Dallas, TX