The Web Interviews
Picking and reading into the multi-faceted minds and personalities on the internet, the web interviews provide never-before heard or read opinions and discussions from the people who make up the websites you visit, and the people who visit your websites! Hosted by your friendly neighborhood spy-them-man, Jerome Baquilar. Want to air your opinion/personality/whatever here too? Click here to find out how!
 =most recent interviews
Kevin Kaneshiro (interviewed on Dec 3, 1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: 1990 
Went online: "My first Internet experience was in 1990 at Fort Gordon, Georgia.  During my 
military training I was able to use a fellow soldier's personal computer to learn and use Gopher, WAIS, FTP, etc.  Some of you may not have heard of some of these archaic terms. (smiling)  I got my first personal internet account in 1993 or 94." 
First put up a web page: "1996.  I created my first webpage for a photographer named Roger Parsons - a wedding photographer.  I was working for Tollan Technology and Integration at the time.   
Yeah, I know, it's not as exciting as some pages nowadays, but back in '96, there wasn't as much cool stuff you could do.  I'm not sure who's 
responsible for updating it, but it looks almost exactly the same as it did when I first made it." 
Hours spent online in a month: "Maybe about 90 hours or so." 
The Interview: 

JB: What browser do you use? 
KK: Internet Explorer 4.x about 60% of the time, Netscape Navigator 4.x the other 40%. 
JB: How would you feel if the internet suddenly ceased to exist? 
KK: I would wither away and die.  Seriously though, I regularly use the Internet to participate in discussions with other computer professionals around the world, email people in other companies, make purchases, etc.  It would be much less efficient to do these tasks using other mediums.  On the other hand, I think the availability of the Internet may be causing software companies to release software before they are thoroughly tested.  They figure since everybody has internet access now, they can just post a patch later on to fix it.  Sound familiar (microsoft)?  Maybe without the 
Internet, software quality would improve?  Nah, probably not. 
JB: How has the internet helped you the most? 
KK: Quick access to information.  I can find a resolution to almost any problem (computer-related or otherwise), get comparison information on products that I'm shopping for, learn about new technologies,... 
JB: What do you think makes people return to your site? 
KK: I really haven't had time to update my page lately, so I don't think I've had very many repeat visitors.  But some of my online buddies and some 
people at work have enjoyed the JavaScript effects that I used to have, and also my opinions on computer equipment. 
JB: What do you think of spam? 
KK: Junk email doesn't bother me too much anymore.  It used to really piss me off because I'd get like 10-20 emails a day from strangers asking me to send $1 to people on the list, companies asking me to purchase something, etc.  I don't get very much of it anymore because since I changed my address a while back, I'm more careful about giving it out. 
JB: Have you made a lot of "true" friends on the internet? 
KK: I've made many professional contacts whom I can refer to if I need help with a problem at work, and vice versa.  As far as making personal friends on the internet, maybe 10 or so... Mostly in other countries (Japan, Germany, UK, and New Zealand).

Theresa Delashmit (interviewed on Dec 8, 1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: "Five years ago (1993)" 
Went online: "Five months ago (July, 1998)" 
First put up a web page: "Five months ago (July, 1998) 
Hours spent online in a month: "At least 180 hours.I spend my free time , on the internet instead of  
watching T.V." 
The Interview: 

JB: What is your favorite type/genre of site to visit? 
TD: Poetry. 
JB: What is your favorite site that doesn't belong to a friend? 
TD: Esoteric Ferret ( 
JB: What do you think makes people return to your site? 
TD: Being a relaxed atmosphere,at home site. 
JB: What browser do you use? 
TD: Netscape. 
JB: Have you made a lot of "true" friends on the internet? 
TD: Yes, I have .So many wonderful, caring and loving people! 
JB: How would you feel if the internet suddenly ceased to exist? 
TD: Depressed.

"Anka" (interviewed on Dec 27, 1998) 
the basics:  
Heard about the internet: 1997 
Went online: 1997, late part of it 
Put up a web page: December, 1998 
Hours spent online in a month: "around 30 or so" 
The Interview: 

JB: What makes a great webpage? 
AN: I think worded content is far better than graphical. Much faster to load, too. Not that I have anything against pretty pictures and special effects on web pages, but, if they don't really have anything to do with the page it's on, I think it's a waste of disk space and visitor's load time. I'll just say a good mix of text to pics makes a good page. 
JB: How would you feel if the internet sudden;y ceased to exist? 
AN: Depressed. Sad. Isolated. Lonely. It would be very tough to deal with, personally. 
JB: What do you think makes people return to your site? 
AN: You mean aside from the fact that I have a magnetic personality? (laughs) Well, if anyone does return to my site, it may be because they want to re-read the "love advice" I posted, or to check if there's anything new there. 
JB: What do you do when you try to get online, but can't for some reason? 
AN: I get pretty mad. I try again, if it fails, I get even more mad. I tend to break things (winking) but that's about it for me. 
JB: What do you think of online "chatting"? 
AN: I think it's okay, generally. I do it on occasion (IRC) but I despise the way a lot of guys try to "score" on the internet, probably because they can't in a real life situation. 
JB: What's your favorite site that belongs to someone you know? 
AN: Arvi's Site of Joy ( because it really shows a lot in terms of her personality, appearance, and the like, in a way I wouldn't dare to. I also love her poetry!

Jean Idica (interviewed on January 5, 1999) 
the basics: 
Heard about the internet: "Um..when was it? Like my first year in college I think (1995)... I not sure. But I think that's when." 
Went online: "My first time online was when I started going on Interact. (giggles) Geez yeah? That would be my second semester in college."  
Put up a web page: "I don't have a web page.  I don't think I'm going to making one unless I need to make one for my ICS class.  I don't know how to make one and refuse to use one of those Web Page for Dummies books." (giggles) 
Hours spent online in a month: "...I'd say maybe an 7 hours tops.  I don't go online very often and if I do, I go online for like 5 minutes." 
The Interview: 

JB: What's your weirdest, or funniest, internet experience? 
JI: Hhmm..this one I don't even remember. 
JB: Have you ever "fallen in love" with someone online? 
JI: Heck no! Most people online end up being on weird.  I don't believe in online relationships either. 
JB: What's your favorite site that belongs to someone you know? 
JI: Hhmmm..I like your site. ( 
JB: What direction do you see the internet heading? 
JI: Up! 
JB: Have you made a lot of "true" friends on the internet? 
JI: Hhmmm..I think I've made 2 true friends. 
JB: Let's say you just graduated from high school. Would you attend an "online" college as opposed to a traditional one? 
JI: No way! That would be nuts.  Going to a real college is better because you get to meet people in person.  I think it's more real and more especially since you're in college.

"Pinky" Domingo (interviewed on Nov 28,1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: 1994 
Went online: 1995 
Put up a web page: not yet 
Hours spent online in a month: 50 to 80 
The Interview: 

JB: Do you plan to make a web page or site?  
PD: Definitely, yes!  
JB: How has the internet helped you the most?  
PD: Mostly communicating w/ my friends, Physical therapy links on what's new and infos on different 
JB: Assuming all things equal in terms of delivery time, would you order a pizza online or over the phone? 
PD: Phone!!!!!! 
JB: What do you think of spam? 
PD: Spam? Is that the one in can? 
JB: What's your weirdest, or funniest, internet experience? 
PD: No comment. 
JB: What do you do when you try to get online, but can't for some reason (ISP down, bad phone line, etc.)?  
PD: I just keep on trying!!!!!

James Nomura (interviewed on Nov 28, 1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: "I first heard about it back in 1992 in Popular Science.  It had a column regarding the growing number of users." 
Went online: "I went online for the first time in 1994, just after my military promotion to "Specialist SP4."  I was using a computer at the Army Reserve Center." 
Put up a web page: August, 1998 
Hours spent online in a month: I make it a point to go online for about 4-5 hours a day, so that brings 
it to about 120-150 hours per month.  Yikes! 
The Inerview: 

JB: How would you feel if the internet suddenly ceased to exist? 
JN: Well, let's see, what would happen if all of the sudden, the Earth had no oxygen? 
JB: How has the internet hurt you the most? 
JN: I can only say that spam mail is the number one thing that gets me mad.  I cannot really say that the internet "hurt" me in anyway, since I've gained so 
much from it. 
JB: What browser do you use? 
JN: My primary choice is still Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1.  I also use Netscape Navigator 4.04 from time to time. 
JB: What's your favorite site that doesn't belong to a friend? 
JB: Have you made a lot of "true" friends on the internet? 
JN: Actually no.  I've been able to meet new people, but, I've refrained from getting to know them well. 
JB: What do you think about the internet, in general? 
JN: The internet has been and will always be my favorite way to "scope what's happening" around the world.  I've gotten quite dependent on the 
information/news content in various sites, so, let's just say that it's the key to being on top of things for me.

Angie "Cowlovergirl" (interviewed on Nov 29, 1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: "I heard bout the internet threw friends while I was in high school about 4 years ago although I just got online about a year ago." 
Went online: "oops heheh about a year ago" 
Put up a web page: "I put up my page around 4 months ago and have been working on it ever since every day is a big thing for me." (smiling) 
Hours spent online in a month: "hmmmmmm alot (laughs out loud) well about 10 hours a kidding to work on my webpage and talk to friends so that is like 300 or more" 
The Interview: 

JB: What do you think makes people return to your site? 
AC: I think people come to my site cause i update every day.. and I have alot of kewl cow stuff on there  
JB: What makes a great web page? 
AC: I think that if you have alot of interesting things on your page it is great and if it is informative and if you have lots of links on it then it is great. 
JB: How has the internet helped you the most? 
AC: That is a really easy question for me cause I met my boyfriend online he lived in texas now he moved from texas to canada for me.(smiles) 
JB: How would you feel if the internet suddenly ceased to exist? 
AC: The internet now isnt that big of a deal to me cause Mick is here but I would miss working on my web page and I would have to call long distance again to talk to my friends that live in Texas and that would suck. 
JB: What do you think of online chatting? 
AC: I think that chatting is fun and if u use it to your advantage to meet friends than it is kewl but if u use it to stalk people then it is stupid.. I met my boyfriend and a lot of friends threw Mirc chat. 
JB: What do you think of spam? 
AC: Spam doesn't bother me cause I don't pay attention to it.. I just delete it..and at least I get email eh (laughs out loud)

Donna Baquilar (interviewed on Dec 3, 1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: "I can't remember when" 
Went online: 1995 
Put up a web page: March, 1998 
Hours spent online in a month: "Nowadays, practically zero hours!" 
The Interview: 

JB: What do you think about the internet, in general? 
DB: It's all right. 
JB: What's your most wonderful signle experience with the internet? 
DB: It was, finding a friend. It's hard enough to do that in real life! 
JB: What's your weirdest, or funniest, internet experience? 
DB: Having a lot of guys flirting with me online, without even having any idea what I look like or sound like! 
JB: What's your favorite site that belongs to someone you know? 
DB: Weezieworld! Because, that's my daughter's web page. Do I need to say more? 
JB: Have you ever fallen in love with someone online? 
DB: No. 
JB: Would you accept a job as an e-mail responder? 
DB: If the money was right, yes! I think I'm capable of doing that kind of job, even though I don't spend much time on computers lately.

Margaret Marr (interviewed on Nov 23, 1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: Five years ago (1993) 
Went online: January, 1998 
Put up a web page: October, 1998 
Hours spent online in a month: (cringes) "My longest was 350 hours, now it averages right around 150 hours.  I know. I need to get a life. 
The Interview: 

JB: Would you accept a job as a webmaster? 
MM: I doubt if anyone would offer, but I'd probably say no. I spend enough hours on here as it is. 
JB: What's your weirdest, or funniest, internet experience? 
MM: I got an e-mail from someone who wanted to have sex with me in an out of body experience. I do believe that covers both funniest and weirdest (laughs out loud). 
JB: What do you think of spam? 
MM: You mean the meat? Or the e-mail advertising? The meat is ok, the advertising I can do without, especially if it's for something X-rated. 
JB: What do you think of online "chatting"? 
MM: It was fun at first, then it took over my life, then I got burned out with it, now I think it's kind of silly because no one ever talks about anything but nonsense. I did get lucky and find a few really good friends, and I do spend some time having actual conversations with them. 
JB: Assuming all things equal in terms of delivery time, would you order a pizza online or over the phone? 
MM: Uhhh ... we aren't that technically advanced in these mountains, so I'd have to use the phone, although I believe I'd use it anyway. It's good to have human contact ever so often, even if it's just someone's voice. 
JB: How has the internet hurt you the most? 
MM: My heart was broken by another person on here. That I could have done without.

Allen Baquilar (interviewed on Nov 23, 1998) 
the basics 
Heard about the internet: 1993 
Went online: "on the net?  '94... on BBS '92" 
Put up a web page: 1998 
Hours spent online in a month: "Plenty enuf" 
The Interview: 

JB: What's your worst internet experience 
AB: No comment. 
JB: What do you think of spam? 
AB: It sucks on the net... but taste good with Nori and Rice.  
JB: What makes a great web page? 
AB: Pictures, good/interesting web design, well written.  
JB:  Would you take $1 a day from a computer company (let's say the name rhymes with Bicrosoft) to have a page sized ad on your site? 
AB: Yes. 
JB: How has the internet helped you the most? 
AB: Easy access to utilities, drivers, updates, educational software, multiplayer gaming. 
JB: What's your favorite site that belongs to a friend? 
AB: Friend?  Irv's cause get Starcraft ladder and Basketball Ladder action. 

Hannah Coen (interviewed on Nov 24, 1998) 
the basics: 
Heard about the internet: "hmmmmm bout 5 years ago" (1993) 
Went online: 2 years ago (1996) 
Put up a web page: "2 years ago in February" (1996) 
Hours spent online in a month: "maybe 5 hours, perhaps more" 
The Interview:  

JB: What's your most wonderful single experience with the internet? 
HC: Chatting. 
JB: How has the internet helped you the most? 
HC: It's helped me to learn new things for e.g., build homepages, create images, chat with friends etc. 
JB: What's your favorite type, or category, of site to visit? 
HC: Depends on what I'm into, anything I guess, I don't really have a preference. 
JB: Would you accept a job as a webmaster? 
HC: Yes, I'm already working on some websites, would be fun. 
JB: How would you feel if the internet suddenly ceased to exist? 
HC: Think it would be a tragedy, but I'll live. (smiling) 
JB: You chose to post pictures of yourself on your 
website. Do you think that shows something about your personality? 
HC: I think it gives the person visiting your homepage a sort of "sense" about you, you become the person behind the site. It's a good idea unless you get stalked! (laughs out loud)

Jerome Baquilar (interviewed on Nov 25, 1998, by Danielle Louise Baquilar) 
the basics: 
Heard about the internet: February, 1995 
Went online: "On a BBS, in 1994. Internet, April, 1995) 
Put up a web page: February, 1998 
Hours spent online in a month: "Around 30 hours. I guarantee you it would be more if the phone service here was flat-rated." (frowning) 
The Interview: 

DB: How long do you plan to keep your webpage/site running? 
JB: As long as I'm alive, hopefully! I've gotten so used to it that it's almost like breathing, now. 
DB: Do you have any knowledge of HTML? 
JB: Not very much! (laughs out loud) If not for Netscape's Composer, or the existence of similar programs, I wouldn't have put up a single web page! 
DB: What's your most wonderful experience with the internet? 
JB: Simply, being away from home, and getting to talk to not only my friends and family at home, but to "meet" all the wonderful people I have gotten to know somewhat, on the internet. 
DB: How has the internet helped you the most? 
JB: It keeps me from getting homesick! (smiling) It also gives me information and news I want to read without having to spend for a magazine or newspaper. 
DB: What do you think of online "chatting"? 
JB: I liked it at first, until I started coming upon obnoxious people more often than not. I decided it wasn't worth wasting my online time on it. 
DB: What's your favorite site that doesn't belong to a friend? 
JB: Tough question. At this moment I'd say "Friends & Lovers" just because they published my story! (laughs out loud)

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