Chapter 16: Too Much Talking in One Day

Location: Just outside of the Raderie forest

K'van and Kilvear are seen by Kitten and a loud booming voice echoes from Kitten.

Kitten: Intruders!

Ari: Look *pointing to two people walking out of the woods*

Minmei: I have this weird feeling..

Cat: *sigh* So do I..

Snitz: What feeling is that?

Fyrna: Snitz.. about this problem..

K'van: Hello there, we are travelling salesmen and we have something here that might interest you.

Kilvear: We are? we have?

K'van: Shh..

Cat: Oh goodie, is it food?

Ari: Bombs?

Minmei: An even larger Mallet?

AC: A weapon that I can use to make things disappear for good!

Kitten: A brighter bunch of people?

Fyrna: The solution to my problem?

Snitz: Err... A better life?

K'van: *What are these people on?*

Kilvear:*raising his hand* Oh..oh.. is it a new craft?

K'van: *Oh man!!*

Rustling from the bushes is breaks the curiosity of the group.

Ryuuen: There he is!!

Kuren: Get him!!

Dualstar: yeah, yeah.. whatever.

AC: Holy Cr...

Cat: Huh?

Ari: Hahahaha.. I knew one of these days you'll get on someone's nervs!!

Minmei: He's here!! *pointing to AC*

AC: Quit it!! *dashing off*

Cat: Bai Bai!!

Ryuuen: Halt!

Kuren: Your highness where are you going?

Dualstar: Give it up, he doesn't want to come back with us.

Ryuuen: *puff* gee you sound like you don't want him to come back with us.

Dualstar: Gee.. you're catching on.

K'van: Geez.. can a innocent criminal make a living?

Kilvear: Hi, I'm Kilvear.

Fyrna: Hello, I'm Fyrna.

Kilvear: You want to see something pretty?

Fyrna: Sure.

Cat: *looking at K'van* Well what is it that you have?

K'van: Huh?

Kilvear: *taking out the largest caffine bean that Fryna had ever seen.

Fyrna: Wow, that'll keep me awake for a long time!

Cat: What's in your bag?

Ari: Yeah, smells like..

Minmei: Hmm.. no it can't be..

Cat: What?

K'van: I've got caffine for sale, wanna buy some?

Cat: Hmm.. Kitten what is caffine?

Kitten: oh about time you asked me something!!

Cat: Well, I'm not the one that keeps you from talking!

Kitten: yeah, yeah... caffine is a drug that keeps people awake.

Ari: it's best served in hot water to make coffe.

Minmei: Yeah and it taste great!

Cat: Oh, give me some!

Kitten: hmm.. *sigh*

Fyrna: How much for the bean?

Kilvear: How much do you have?

Ryuuen: While you're discussing the price give me some I'm in need for a caffine boost.

Dualstar: Hi, I'm Dualstar.

Snitz: Err.. Hi.. I'm Snitz, nice to meet you.

Dualstar: Nice to meet you too, so you live in this galaxy?

Snitz: Err.. we haven't discovered space travel yet.

Dualstar: ohh.. I see..

Fyrna: I've got two dollars. *showing the coin to Kilvear*

Kilvear: Hmm.. nice and pretty.

Cat: Hmm.. am I suppose to eat it?

K'van: do whatever you want with it, remember that is only a sample.

Snitz: so you're not around from here.

Minmei: I'm getting confused, there's too many people talking at once.

Dualstar: you look cute.

Snitz: err.. thanks..

Ari: Snitz cute??.. mwhahahahahaha..

Snitz: Hey!!

Kuren: *puff* I found him your highness.

Dualstar: yeah, whatever.

Fyrna: *takes the large caffine bean and rushes off back home*

Ari: Come on Cat time to go.

Cat: Wow man!!.. this is heavy stuff!!

Kitten: Geez it's only a coffee bean.

K'van: Well? are you going to buy some?

Ari: I don't think so, we don't buy things from strangers.

Kilvear: Look K'van I got a coin!

K'van: *sigh* Let's go! I don't think we can sell this to these kids.

Kilvear: Bye everyone!

Ari: Bye.

Minmei: Bye.

Cat: Wow.. bye man..

Kuren: Whatever.. did you hear me your highness?

Dualstar: yeah I heard.. do whatever you have to do.

Ryuuen: you know something this taste better than mud.

Snitz: Mud?

Ari: Mud?

Minmei: Mud?

Cat: Mud man.. taste good..

So everyone wanders off back to their homes wondering why they have met so many weird people in one day.

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