Snatched off the web:
"I think all art is really an act of defiance
against life, and what
it does to people"
-Douglas Clark: D.G.D.Clark@BATH.AC.UK
Beyond Bedlam, London, Anvil Press Poetry,
Ltd., 1997, is distributed in the U.S. and Canada by
Dufour Editions,
Out of Order
Eyes not seeing too well
The right things.
Ears not hearing too well
What my soul, unanswered, begs for.
-Solomon Blue Waters
comes as a shock into the poetic margin1, ‘Reason’2, or the in-between where we feel and where poetry lives. This poem is from Beyond Bedlam: Poems Written out of Mental Distress, edited by Ken Smith and Michael Sweeney, London, Anvil, 1997. This selection was carefully selected from poems by such authors as T. S. Eliot and such authors as those 5000 people who contributed to the Bethlehem and Maudsley National Benefit Poetry Projects working as individuals or as members of poetry groups like Survivors’ Poetry (nothing like that here in the U.S., by the way). This is not just a collection of poems by crazy people. (I can use the term as I am myself and also as I am a psychologist.) It is not just a collection of poems by established poets who reflect on an aberrant thought or moment. It is a collection where each work is an experienced moment at the boundaries of what is loosely and mistakenly referred to as ‘reason.’
The lines of life are various; they diverge and cease
Like footpaths and the mountains’ utmost ends.
-Friedrich Holderlin (1770 - 1843)
-or was it Des McHale (1958 - 96)?
-or you?
-or does it matter?
-It’s us.
Therapy Room
Joe’s making a stool.
I’m weaving a basket.
Someone’s making coffee.
Dee says I can sing
and she does.
Jane won’t make an
Arthur’s sulking because
the priest wouldn’t re
christen him Jesus.
Jane still won’t make
an ashtray, instead
she becomes a dog.
grrr Woof woof Woof!
Dogs don’t make ashtrays.
Dee’s singing the
national anthem.
Arthur blesses me.
Sydney hasn't spoken
all morning, or yesterday
or the day before,
ggrrr Woof Woof!
said Joe
I’m going to discharge
myself from this place
it’s driving me mad.
Realizing what he had
said, he starts to laugh.
I also start to laugh,
the man on my left
(who didn’t hear Joe)
starts to laugh as well.
We all laugh
except Sid who wants
to die (and means it).
Then we had coffee.
- Bill Lewis (b. 1953)
This is a book to explore as a whole and to experience as individual parts. And to keep to look through again.
1 Caze, Antoine. ‘Margins of Theory, Theory of Margins,’ Postwar American Poetry: The Mechanics of the Mirage, Edited by Michel Delville and Christine Pagnoulle, English Department, University of Liege. 2000., pp. 93 - 105
2 Lyn Hejinian, Shark I (Spring, 1998): 33 - 44, and
tom bell, 2000, published in SPT