Hallucinated Eyes
Hallucinated Eyes

imagining what it would be like...
you at my side eternally
haloed childish grin,
listening to the echoing night.
candlelight casting rich shadows among the bricks
the trees high about my head-
reach deeper than souls climbing these cliffs
and walls of brick.
hallucinated eyes, opiating blackness rich with fear.
today is all I'd ask for,
to understand carressing nails
fiery confusion slashed across my mirror.
regreting nothing but your absense;
forgiving nothing but your touch.
Let the water run black and cold.
purified these eyes would be,
devastation thrown among the bricks and trees.
and so before dawn runs black again,
into the dusk of painstaken years...
and at last,
would you speak my name?

(c) David Griffin Brown 1997