
fall fire
over every last piece of you;
and then shall we halt
fantasizing still
of what would fill our godless holes-
like gaping wounds gasping for more.
and so some resort to pain,
some blurred vision lessening thought.
all the while we do not see clearly into the dark of night
for the light of souls like these
would scarce throw a shadow
on anything,
even temptuously pure.
And on to define purity!
like a blind man describes the moon's
incandescence playing
on the tree's quivering limb...
or on to stake the boundaries of truth.

Aside from what we do not know-
there indignantly sits malice and lies:
never to be glorified in spoken air.
but painfully more,
buried, shackled, ignored.
On and on through this unending night
should we stumble
more and more this malicious plight
sees us better off as smothered,
in our infancy.

(c) David Griffin Brown 1998