
my god is this heresy?
for sensual touch
and eyes of gold
beats my heart,
screams my mind.
I’m damned this time.
to walk far to this near,
please my heart with your soul
is what I desire.
(and this your fire)

I’ll ask you this:
my reflection in your eyes,
tainted or pure?
is this uncontrollable mask in the way again?

damn him for good
damn him tonight
this dawn like an angel
the dusk now so bleak
broken the promise,
my promise to keep.

Hate my face
Hate my soul
but look past my mask
for I feel no more.

I am who I am
I am who I was
I am who I’m going to be
(deep inside)

burn it all
burn it well
burn these feelings to hell.
to compose, I do ask.
For tonight,
let them damn us as well.

(c) David Griffin Brown 1997