1851 Census

View the map of the Wirral region if you are not sure of locations.

Address H/hold Surname Forename Age Sex Relationship Marital
Census Place Occupation Name
Born Parish
Oxton Road // Oxton John 70 M Head M Bidston Farm labourer Self CHS Oxton
Oxton Road . Oxton Jane 61 F Wife M Bidston - John Oxton CHS Moreton
Oxton Road . Oxton John 18 M Son U Bidston Quarryman John Oxton CHS Bidston
Oxton Road . Halewod William 23 M Stepson U Bidston Quarryman John Oxton CHS Bidston
Oxton Road . Smith Joseph 18 M Nephew U Bidston Quarryman John Oxton CHS Bidston
Oxton Road . Smith Thomas 12 M Nephew U Bidston Errand lad John Oxton CHS Barnston

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