Before you purchase your fish, you should already know what kind of tank to keep it/them in. If you are interested in coldwater freshwater or marine aquariums,you have come to the wrong page!If you are interested in tropical freshwater aquariums and fish, read on.If you are a beginning aquarist, I would recommend a tropical freshwater tank. Even advanced aquarists love tropical freshwater fish. Livebearers are a popular fish for beginners,they are hardy,and they are brightly colored. You can also keep a Betta, or Siamese Fighting Fish, in a smaller aquarium by itself, because it is a very aggressive fish. Barbs,Tetras,Danios,and Angelfish also make good tropical freshwater aquarium fish. When you have decided what kind of fish to purchase, you should make sure it is healthy,so it will not spread disease to the other fish in the tank. Your fish should swim with all fins erect and the scales should be flat and intact. Its eyes should be clear and it should swim without difficulty.