Chapter Two

Remember Us
Chapter Two
"Visions and Dreams"

Ami typed rapidly into her computer. The chemistry lesson had not been too difficult today, but she was only five chapters ahead with her note-taking. The chemical equations and formulas were so facile that her typing was almost automatic as she scanned her textbook. Ami allowed her mind to wander. The group had broken up fairly shortly after Rei's departure. I want to be a doctor, Ami thought with self-reproach, how could I not see Rei-chan's signs of distress? Ami sighed and turned the page of her book without disrupting the flow of her typing. Boys. Why would Rei become so upset when we talked about boys? Well, it's not like I have any experience in the matter anyway. Ami reflected on her love life, or lack of it. She was always too busy studying and taking mock exams to form a lasting bond with a boy. This was added to her certain allergic reaction to love letters. In fact, she hardly ever noticed when Minako or Makoto pointed out this boy or that who was, as they put it, "totally hunky!" I just don't have the time! Especially with being a Senshi added to everything. And having a boyfriend isn't so important. There are plenty of more important--


Ami was shocked out of her thoughts by the spell check on her computer going off. What in the world? Why did I spell "everything" wrong?

"Wait a minute..." Ami said to herself. She picked up her chemistry book and read the text. No where in the previous four pages had the word "everything" been used. Ami peered at her computer, scrolled up, and re-read her notes.

...the processes of Charles's Law are most aptly described by the inversion of

My love,
I long to see you again. Are you well? I am as well as can be expected, though time seems to pass more slowly without you here with me. You know the Queen does not approve of the various liaisons going on in Court, but do you really believe that Serenity and Endymion will give each other up so easily? It is joyous news that the Queen seems to be easing up on the restrictions. Oh, before I forget, a masked ball will be held two weeks from today. I will await your arrival. Don't disappoint me! Come with the quickest haste. Ah, my dearest, I would give everything to lose myself in your eyes once again. Everything...

"I wrote this?" Ami asked herself in shock. "I don't remember..."

A flash of memory struck Ami as she re-read the words. She could she herself sitting in a chair before an ebony desk. She wore the lightest of fabrics, a dress of shimmery blue that befitted her watery element. She wrote on a piece of parchment furiously with quill and ink. Every so often, she would gaze longingly at a framed picture on the desk; a handsome blonde man with laughing green eyes...

Ami shook her head as her eyes misted with tears. She watched as the letter was signed with a flowing hand.

You are always in my thoughts.
My love forever goes to you,



Makoto had decided to get a little more shopping done after the trio had broken up. A few stores had been having sales and now Makoto was lugging two large bags home. She was glad for it though, it kept her from trying to punch the nearest wall in frustration over Rei's problem. She was the Herculean Jupiter, the Senshi of Protection. It wounded her when her charges were wounded so deeply. Rei musta been hurt bad if she remembers that guy so much. I mean, it goes way past me and my sempai.

As Makoto walked along the sidewalk, she was drawn to a large window with jewelry in it. A large display with rings and necklaces and other pieces caught her eyes, especially a beautiful gold chain with a green stone hanging from it.

"Oh! How pretty!" Makoto sighed to herself. Someday, Mako-chan. Someday you'll find a man who will love you and surprise you with things like these. Suddenly, Makoto felt like she was being pulled to a different place. She saw the vague image of a man kneeling in front of her with a necklace in his hands. She giggled happily as his warm hands fastened the chain around her neck, and then embrace her from behind. She remembered the flush that stained her face after he had proposed to her...

"Can I help you, Miss?" a voice asked, breaking her thoughts.

Makoto turned and saw a cheery saleslady standing beside her. She tried to shake her thoughts from her mind, but ended up moving her hand to point at the display. "What kind of gems are those?" she asked, hoping her voice didn't break.

"Oh! A special sale this week! Those are several different types of jade and related stones, they're not common in jewelry, but very lovely. Those earrings over there are jadeite, that gold bracelet with pink stones is kunzite, that purple ring is tanzanite also called zoisite. And, that wonderful bright green pendant is made of nephrite."

Makoto tried not to blanch as she heard the names. Her old enemies, now turned into jewelry. It was a funny, and oddly saddening, circumstance. For some ridiculous reason she felt like crying. Makoto swallowed down her emotions.

"Thank you very much," she said to the saleslady, keeping her voice even. Makoto hefted her bags once more and resumed her walk home. But, for some reason, she couldn't get the image of the pendant out of her head. The wind gusted a little and Makoto thought she heard the word "Melpomene" called out. She whirled to look behind her for some reason, but there were very few people on the street. The word seemed familiar, but Makoto couldn't place it for some reason. She shook her head and proceeded on, the wind whispering "Melpomene" all the while.


Minako sighed as she flipped to another page in the magazine she was reading. "Oh, this is so boring," she mumbled to herself.

"You know Minako, you could do your homework," the white cat sitting across the room said.

A pillow flew across the room and hit the cat, knocking him to the ground.

"Shut up, Artemis! It's Saturday, I don't have to worry about that stuff ‘till tomorrow."

"Well fine," Artemis huffed, finally detangling himself from the pillow. He jumped onto the window sill. "I know when I'm not appreciated. Besides, I need to find Luna."

"Got a hot date?" Minako asked in a sing-song voice, a twinkle in her eye.

The cat's white fur took a pinkish cast. "Now, that's none of your business," he replied shortly, and jumped out.

Minako, left suddenly alone, felt out of place. She moved off her bed and sat down in front of her vanity. Reaching up, she pulled the red bow from her hair, grabbed her trusty hairbrush and began to smooth her golden locks.

"Oh great," she murmured to herself. "Even my cat gets more dates than I do! How depressing. I mean, what guy wouldn't fall for the blonde hair/blue eyes combination? In Japan, too! I mean, it worked for Usagi..." Minako stared at herself in the mirror as she realized what she had just said. It's not fair to compare myself to Usagi. She's with Mamoru because their souls are joined, because they really love each other, not because of her looks.

It's not FAIR! Minako thought silently, slamming her hairbrush onto the tabletop. Her hands began to automatically arrange her hair. I'm the popular, talented Sailor V! Why do all the boys ignore me? I'm the legendary Sailor Venus, once leader of the Sailor Senshi! I've killed youma and Zoisite and even Beryl! Why aren't the boys falling at my feet? What's wrong with me?

Minako's hands fell to the tabletop and she buried her face in them, sobbing quietly. She could almost see a man coming to comfort her. His hands wiped away her tears and his deep voice mumbled soothing words into her ear. She could feel the fabric of his uniform as they embraced. The light touch of his lips on hers. Minako felt at home in the strong circle of his arms; protected and safe. She never wanted to leave...


The blonde jerked her head up and turned to see Artemis sitting on the window sill with a worried look. "What is it?" she asked, puzzled. The cat eyed her thoughtfully, cocking his head to one side.

"I've been trying to snap you out of that trance for over half an hour!"

"What are you talking about? You just left no more than five minutes ago."

"I've been gone for over two hours, Mina-chan," the white cat replied in a cautious tone.

Minako was shocked. What had she done in that time? She couldn't really remember...

"What did you do to your hair?" Artemis demanded in a voice that indicated that he could hold his tongue no longer.

"Nani?" Minako turned and took a hard look at herself in the mirror. Half of her blonde hair had been pulled up into a knot at the top of her head. The rest of it had been separated into numerous braids and twisted up and around the bun forming golden chains. Only a few strands and her bangs were left to frame her face. Minako reached up to touch the hairdo, almost as if it would vanish at any moment. For some reason the style was strange and comforting at the same time.

"I don't... remember... doing this," she whispered. Artemis crossed the room and leapt onto the vanity. He looked directly into Minako's eyes.

"It's an old Venusian design," he said evenly, struggling to piece together his memories. "You used to wear it a lot during the Silver Millennium. Especially when you went out on dates. When you were... Erato."

Minako kept staring at her reflection, at the somehow familiar hairstyle. And, she couldn't rid herself of the memory of the gentle man in her dreams.

"Erato..." she whispered to herself, reaching out a hand to touch the glass.

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