Refrain From Speaking
Sailor Seraphim

That is all I ever wanted.

My Princess, I have held my tongue for as long as possible, but now I cannot refrain from speaking. If it pleases you, I would like to speak bluntly. Oh, I may? Thank you.

Are you insane, Princess Serenity?!?

Have I taught you nothing in all my years of service to your family? Did I not teach you the arts and magics, how to teleport and how to reason? Did I not teach you all the things you know today, only to have you use these powers against me?

You have broken the Great Taboo! You have visited the Earth! You have... fallen in love... with a Terran.

But you always had a flair for the dramatics, didn't you Princess? You just *had* to fall in love with Endymion, the Prince of the Golden Kingdom. That arrogant man. He will only hurt you as he loves you Princess. If you could call it love. Lust and hormones seem to prevail your thoughts at the moment. Your thoughts are filled with fancy and romance. You see only light and happiness where there will be darkness and despair. How could you love him, Serenity? How? Why? I have seen what you have not, my child. I know of a man in the throes of passion. One who declares his love for you at the top of his lungs. It is nothing. Only passing fancy.

You call this, love...?

That is all I ever wanted.

Have I taught you nothing, daughter of my heart? Child of my soul? Even as I stand here, watching you slip away into the dark night, I know where you are headed. You think you are wise, child. You think that by leaving in darkness, you will be able to return in light. You think no one will catch you... that no one will notice that you are gone. But I notice. How could you forget that every night since your birth, I have entered your room to see if you slept peacefully?

My daughter... my child... foolish, foolish girl...

And beautiful, and loving, and caring, and strong, and talented... I know why the Earth Prince has fallen for your charms. The question remains, why do you care for him? You could have any Prince in the Silver Millennium... and Duke, any Baron, any Lord... and yet you chose a Terran above them all. Why?

Why did you have to love a dream? A man from a world that is as forbidden to us as we are to them? I curse the day I ever taught you to use the strength of your will and wish yourself to other places. Why do you not heed my words? Why do you not listen to my pleas?

You defy me at every turn.

That is all I ever wanted.

Do you... do you not love me the way I love you?

Am I just a nag to you? A matron who forces you to take your head from the clouds and focus on study and reason? Am I nothing but a lady in waiting, to serve you and to be taken for granted? But I do not want to be these things. Can you not see, Serenity? You, Princess of the White Moon. You, Heir to the Moon Kingdom and the Silver Millennium. You, future wielder of the ginzuishou. Can you not see that I only try to lead you on the right path, to make you understand the duties you will someday bear?

And yet you defy me and run away.

Run away to *him*.

Our time is short now, my Princess, my child. The gods do not take interlopers lightly. So be ignorant for now, child. Live in peace and harmony. Laugh and love and live. Be in peace for the rest of our numbered days. The time of condemnation will come soon enough. We will all suffer for your love... your happiness.

Your happiness, Serenity.

That is all I ever wanted.

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