Witches do not do evil - They believe that doing evil and harm is against all ethical and moral laws. Further, Witchcraft tells us "An ye harm none (not even yourself), do what ye will". Witches do not worship Satan - They do not have a Satan/Devil or any all-evil deity in their religious structure. Witchcraft is a religion that underscores polarity and views the God and the Goddess as equal entities. A male Witch is not a Warlock - The word Warlock is a Scottish word meaning "oath breaker", and became a term designating a male Witch during the "burning times". Witches wear clothing of every color and every style - Many Witches do choose to wear black clothing or ritual robes. The color black is the culmination of all vibrational rates of light on the material plane. Black absorbs light information and helps Witches be more receptive to psychic impressions and energies. Witches come from every socio-economic and ethnic background - Many Witches are professional people holding positions of responsibility such as Doctors, Nurses, Police Officers, Teachers etc. Witchcraft does not discriminate against color or ethnic origin and does view everything as equal in the eyes of the Goddess and the God. Witches do use spells - A spell is a thought, a projection, or a prayer. Other religions use prayer, meditation, projection and ritual to produce an intended result. The word "spell" does not imply doing evil or harm. Witches do use magic wands - Often you see the use of magic wands in children's cartoons and movies making the idea seem frivolous. In actuality they are used in healing for directing energy. Witches do use Witchcraft as a science, an art and a religion - They use their knowledge and magic in harmony with the Universe and Nature around them. The word "Witch" has a deep and rich history - As defined by the English Oxford dictionary "Witchcraft" is a Celtic (pronounced Kell-tick) word meaning the wise, good people. "Wicce" (wick-kay) designates a female Witch whereas "Wicca" (wick-kah) designates a male Witch. In the religion of Witchcraft we view the pentacle as an amulet and a symbol for protection - The five-pointed star represents the human body and the earth. In combination, the star surrounded by the circle represents the human body encompassed by the protection of the Goddess/God force. The pentacle is the symbol for Universal Wisdom. Witches do concern themselves with ecology - They have never forgotten this basic fact: the world is not our enemy. Neither is it inert, dumb matter. The earth and all living things share the same life-force. They are composed of patterns of intelligence, of knowledge, and of divinity. all life is a web. We are woven into it as sisters and brothers of All. Witches need to be grounded in both worlds and awake to their responsibilities for both worlds. It is only by being responsible human beings that we can be responsible Witches and only responsible Witches will survive.* * Excerpt from Power of the Witch by Laurie Cabot

WITCHCRAFT - I consider Witchcraft to be a way of life; kin to how we see our early ancestors living in harmony with nature (at least trying to live in harmony with nature.) They listened and paid attention to the sounds around them, the changings of the seasons, planting crops, tuning in to the nature which was all about them. Of course this was necessary for survival purposes, but still they knew all kinds of cool stuff which we've forgotten about today or even things that maybe we never knew about. For example, when a beaver hopped up and down on one leg it meant that it was going to rain. If a bird flew backwards, then we were going to get a cold frost the next morning. Now these particular things aren't necessarily true, but you get the point.

PENTACLE is a Wiccan symbol that represents different things to different people. This symbol is not to be confused with the inverted pentagram, which is the symbol for satanism... the Wiccan pentacle represents many things: the five points of the star symbolize the Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit The star itself represents humanity and the earth, and the circle around it is the protection of the Goddess and the God encircling us.






picture on top by Robin Wood coypright 1997 (used with permission)