The Companion to The Little Book On Line
for Teachers and TutorsVocabulary Drill
L. How Public Officials Acquire Their Offices#14. Understand the role of public officials in government.
Ohio Department of Education - High School Proficiency Testing Fact Sheets
You will recall that some public officials are elected while other public officials, especially in the federal government are appointed.
In answering these questions refer to Section L of The Little Book and the Related Words list. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
- Many more officials are appointed under FEDERAL law than under Ohio law. Federal means
A. having to do with the national government.
B. a group of states.
C. any organization in Washington.
D. something relating to all states.
- Which of the following definitions is NOT correct?
A. The judicial branch refers to the courts.
B. The legislative branch is the branch of government that makes laws.
C. To appoint means to place a person in a non-elected position.
D. The House of Representatives is the upper body of the Ohio General Assembly.
- Which of the following correctly describes the ELECTORAL COLLEGE?
A. It teaches courses on national elections.
B. It is a group called electoral experts, chosen by the states to run elections.
C. It is a group of persons, called electors, who are chosen by voters in their states to officially elect the President and Vice-President of the United States.
D. It is a group, called sponsors, trained by the federal government to encourage people to vote in elections.
A. try county lawsuits.
B. are appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate.
C. are elected by the voters in the county they will serve.
D. are appointed upon recommendation of the outgoing commissioners.
- The following statements comparing the legislative branches of the federal and Ohio governments are true EXCEPT
A. They make the laws.
B. They are bicameral.
C. Members of the Congress are elected but members of the General Assembly are appointed.
D. Congress meets in Washington but the General Assembly meets in Columbus.
- The President's cabinet
A. is made up of executive department heads.
B. consists of elected and appointed officials.
C. must be confirmed by the House of Representatives.
D. includes some members who are elected by the Electoral College.
- The judicial branch of the federal government and the state government consists of courts. Which of the following sentences is FALSE?
A. Judges of the United States courts are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
B. Judges of the Ohio courts are elected.
C. Judges of the United States courts and the Ohio courts interpret the laws.
D. Judges of the Ohio courts hold office for life.
- The Cleveland City Council
A. makes the city laws.
B. members are elected by the state Senate.
C. appoints the city judges.
D. members are appointed by the Mayor.
- The Governor of Ohio
A. is the chief executive of the state.
B. is elected by the Ohio General Assembly.
C. is elected for a two-year term.
D. can vote whether he is registered or not.
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