Welcome To ChatTV!

Here are just a few tips!

-To Exit A Chat Click "VIEW" On The WebTV Keyboard

-Make Sure Before You Enter A Chat, You Click On the "LOAD PAGE" link, wait for it to load, then press back, then enter the chat. This pre-load's the chat so you don't wait.

-If you enter a chat, and it does not load correctly or you cannot type anything, you have to press "VIEW" and click on the chat again.

-Each Chat Has It's Own Time Zone, Just Click On Yours

If you would like to see a station added, please email me at


Please include the name of the station, and I will also need to know the webtv name of the station. To find that -> when you are watching tv (not in chat) press options and it is the the letter/number/or both next to the channel number.

Thanks and Enjoy The Page



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Song Title

'Enter ChatTV™'

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