The YYH Fan Art Page

I'm touched, I'm really touched. (sniff) A novel, sis? No, Hiei kept my old drawings in a scrapbook. Let me see. Oh!


Sis, it's… I know it's inverted. Leave it alone! Hey, I was just saying that it's… um… it's… Yukina and Hiei, yeah that's it!

It's Karasu-kun and Karasu-chan! It looks… Uh… Don't say anything if you have nothing good to say! Okay, I'll shut up already.

My cut-and-paste burned-paper effect of Kurama-chan and Kurama-kun! Hiei kept it. (sniff) I'm really touched!



What are you guys doing to me? It's only Kurama-chan. Well, don't you think she's cute? Um…

It's Karasu-chan! Doesn't she look like a model or something? Uh, yeah, something.


"Most of these fanarts are from our fanfics. Some of these fanfics are not up yet." "Karasu-chan is one. Kurama-chan is from the fanfic "The Cloning of Kurama"." "There's more to come! Check back often."


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