Emil  Templin: born 1880 Buxheim, Germany
died 1960 buried at Coleman, Texas
Married Wilhelmina (Minnie) Kopp: born 1882 Lublin or Volniak, Russia
died 1965 buried at Coleman, Texas

 Information Obtained From
Ship Manifest Records At Port of Entry

SS NECKAR sailing from BREMEN, GERMANY on Nov 27 1913.
Arriving at PHILADELPHIA on Dec 17, 1913.
Manifest shows EMIL TEMPLIN, age:31, nationality: GERMAN
race of people: GERMAN last permanent residence: BUCKHEIM,GERMANY.
Nearest relative in country alien came from is, Wife: WILHELMINA TEMPLIN.
destination: was PHILADELPHIA, PA. He had a ticket, passage paid by himself. In possession of  $50, or if less, how much? $35. Height: 5"6",
complexion: FAIR, Hair: BROWN, Eyes: BLUE, Country of Birth: RUSSIA,
City or Town: BUCKHEIM. Never before in the United States.

SS CHEMNITZ sailing from BREMEN on   -?-.
arriving at NEW YORK on JUNE 25, 1914
family name:  TEMPLIN, (WILHELMINA), age: 29
Children's given names: (at time of entry into the USA)
     REINHART, age: 6
     FREIDA, age: 4
     EMIL (GUS), age: 4
     JOHANN, age: 2
WILHELMINA could read, but not write. Her  nationality (or country of which a citizen or subject) RUSSIA.  All the children's nationality was GERMAN. Race of people (for wife and children) GERMAN. Last permanent address: BUCKHEIM, GERMANY. Name and address of nearest relative in country whence alien came: GUSTAV KOPP, ( father of WILHELMINA).
Final destination: GOLDTHWAITE, TEXAS. tickets paid for by husband, father. She had $50. height: 5"3", complexion: LIGHT, hair: BLOND, eyes: BLUE. Place of birth: LUBLIN, RUSSIA (WILHELMINA). Children's place of birth: BUCKHEIM, GERMANY. Never before in the USA.

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Paige LaRosa