notes of JFerrara skills in ambulatory care clinical epidemiology incidence - of a condition, proportion of population newly affected in a specific interval of time prevalence- of a condition, proportion of population affected at a particular instant of time sensitivity- of a test, the percentage of affected individuals that will have a positive test (the true positive rate specificity- of a test, the percentage of non-affected individuals that will have a negative test (the true negative rate) predictive value- posttest probability of a test. The probability that the patient will be found to have a condition after having a positive test for that condition (positive predictive value; or found not to be affect after a negative test (negative predictive value) clinical pharmacology practical information about initiating a drug modifications in dose and schedule due to age due to concurrently administered drugs due to diseases affecting drug metabolism time interval for effects of drug to be apparent duration of the course of a drug (when not maintenance) how to assess impact of the drug potential interaction with concurrent drugs the cost of the drug and ability of patient to pay side effects, timing- when to anticipate them management reasons for inadequate response to the medication nonadherence insufficient dose antagonism by patient's behavior or concurrent drugs primary refractoriness to the drug recognition and management of these problems communication skills interview and history taking skills patient education record keeping social profile problem list preventive care profile (risk factors...) progress notes coordination of care explain tests and procedures and referrals to patient explain reason for referral to consultant containing costs from PRINCIPLES OF AMBULATORY CARE Barker third ed.