Computer users:

Place your mouse pointer over the image that you wish to copy, right click your mouse, then click "Save As".  You must choose a directory on your hard drive to save the file in, just remember where you saved it.You might want to create a new folder before you start saving images and call it "Clip Art", or perhaps "Pictures".  This way all of your saved images will be easy to find in one location.

Creating a New Folder:

On your desktop double click "My  Computer". Go to the area where you would like to create a new folder.  Example: Double click your "C" drive, then double click "My Documents".  To add the new folder click on "File" at the top of the browser, click "New", then click "Folder". Find the new folder in that window and type in the name that you would like to call it. Now you have a place to store all of your clip art.

Mac Users:

Click onto the image and hold until a menu appears, then click "Save Image As".  Find the directory where your HTML files are and click "Save".

If you have a problem saving anything, email me I will help you.

Save on a Floppy Disk

You can also "Save to" floppies.

When you Click, Save to Click the dropdown menu and click disk (floppy) drive....make sure you have a floppy inserted, then click, save. Remember to label our floppy disk as to what is in them for further use. If you have a burner then you shouldn't need a this tutorial on saving as is ;-).

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