Hmmm...another free graphics site.
I'm generally critical of those, since so many claim to be giving out high-quality
stuff when it's really icky junk they've put together on Paintbrush...but
since the index page is very cute and looks like it was done on a good
graphics program, I'm willing to go through and look at this site. ^_^
(Omigosh, and the counter is so cute! Where did you get it? ^_^)
The border backgrounds are all very
pretty, but the designs aren't new...also, they don't look like they're
seamless (meaning, you can tell when the background starts and ends). I
would recommend making smaller, separate images for the thumbnails and
linking them to whole new pages so you can see what the background looks
like tiled on a page.
The border backgrounds are cute,
but little more than faded images on a white background, but I can see
that more will be added later. (BTW, you forgot the "n" in "soon" at the
top of the page ^_^.)
The guestbook graphics are very large;
I might not use them on my own page for that reason, but they are very
cute and graphically beautiful, and there's also quite a selection.
The banner graphics are pretty; my
favorite was the ChibiChibi one on the last page. ^_^ What graphics program
are you using? It seems to do a great job. ^^
Oooooh, fonts...couldn't live without
'em. ^_^ I really like these compilations of popular and useful fonts,
because I often see a font on a page that I adore but have no idea where
to get it. Oooh, and it even has fonts I've never seen! ::downloads Kinkie
^_^:: Expect to see some of those around here soon!
The line separators are...ok...I
suppose I'd like to see more like the last one, with the astrological symbol
pattern as a line, rather than thin lines with a big picture stuck somewher
on the line...but, as I always say, that's just me. ^_^
The buttons are cute ^_^ I like the
pastel colours and images used on them - ones you don't see too often.
Ooooh, kawaii little game-animations!
I love these too! And there's even one of Tuxedo Kamen - how kewl. They're
all so adorable, especially Moon's and Chibimoon's ^_^.
Ooo, and you linked me! Thankee!
So overall this was a pretty and
very complete page. I liked the graphics for the most part, and I think
the thing you would want to improve on in the future is getting more original
ideas for your graphic designs, and I'm sure the page will do well. ^_^ |