Lonely Nights By Ricci "AAAAAHHHHHHH!" I awoke with a start from another one of those damn nightmares. Why wouldn't they just leave me alone? I started to shiver, as sweat began to dry on my skin, and I quickly got up to close the window. Again I felt this familiar feeling of wild freedom as I looked down at sleeping Tokyo. So many glittering lights... it looked beautiful, but it also reminded me of the darkness I was living in. Though depression has got me in its fangs quite often, I know that I COULD live another life. I could go out to parties, even nice ones, with Motoki perhaps. Just to meet some people, talk a bit, see a pretty girl who seems to like me. But I chose another life. Often enough I hate the loneliness, but there are also times when I wouldn't trade it for anything. Like when I sit curled up in my reading chair, with only a candle lit, my place is all warm, while Tokyo and its lights are drowning in rain out there. Then again... I don't know what it is like to have a partner. And I don't talk about a girl necessarily. Just someone to share the silence with. I know that this is the crucial point. Most people I know are uncomfortable with the silence. After ten minutes they start to sweat, then their faces get red, and then they let out a waterfall of words, that shatter the beautiful silence. I hate it when that happens, but I avoid situations like this. I enjoy the silence on my own. It would just be... comforting to know, that someone is there to lift me, when the silence starts pressing on my shoulders with so much weight that it eclipses the rest of the world, leaving me in my misery. I go to the fridge and get some mineral water. A tea would have been better, as I already AM cold, but I don't have the patience to make tea right now. After those nightmares I always feel a little bit restless. This is one of the times when it would certainly be good to have someone to talk to. Even though I'm afraid I wouldn't say much. Like I said before - someone to reassure me with mere presence. I lift myself to sit on the small working space beside my kitchen sink. It felt cold under my bare flesh, as I just wear shorts. Maybe I should take a shower. Rinse all this sweat and the bad memories off. No. Too much work. I'm still tired. It had been a hard day. A prof in my course mumbled something in a language not spoken on THIS planet. Had to pay for a borrowed book I forgot to return to the library. After that I had not enough money left to get anything to eat except for chewing gum. And just when I was ready to turn my back to this day, another flashing feeling that send me to help Sailor Moon with some Dark Kingdom creep. Sometimes I wonder how fate could chose HER to be Sailor Moon. She seems always so absent-minded. No, she definitely IS. But then again there is something special about her. I can't say what it is, but it draws me to her. She is so strong, and yet she needs me. Of course, I know, I'm always complaining about how clumsy she is. What would I do if she was really strong? If she could defeat all those monsters easily on her own? She wouldn't need my strength. She wouldn't need Tuxedo Mask at all. This is the first time in my life that someone really depends on me, that someone cares about me. When she looks at me with hearts in her eyes, I can't help to smile. I would go to hell and back for her, just to see her happy and content again. She is so special.... But that doesn't help me to understand my nightmares. She's always there, this beautiful girl... two long streams of golden hair flow down her back, and she wears an elegant but simple dress. Much like a princess in a child's fantasy. She seems very afraid, there's fear in her eyes, well-hidden fear, but I see it nonetheless. A sense of duty lies over her lovely yet somehow undefined features, it makes me shiver. I look up to her. I understand that she is in serious trouble, and then I realize that I see her death in her beautiful eyes. And I realize that she knows she will die. NOOO! My mind screams. She mustn't die! I have to save her! But I don't even know who she is! "Please, find the ginzuishou!" she says, her voice urgent and pleading, but still showing royal strength. The ginzuishou... I know it, deep inside a part of me knows exactly what to do. I try to push this knowledge to the surface of my thoughts, I reach for it. It's useless. It stays just out of my grasp, teasing me. Then it happens. Smoke is in the air, the wind smells like destruction. Evil hides around the next corner. And I see her lying there. Her blue eyes stare into nothingness, crystal clear but lifeless. Her hair is spread out beneath her like a fan, gold melting into the torn black earth. I failed. I didn't save her. I see the blood that stains her white dress. Too late. I'm too late. Despair shreds my heart into tiny pieces, and that's when I wake up screaming, her voice still echoing in my mind. "Please, find the ginzuishou" God knows, how much I want to help her. If I just knew how, and where this ginzuishou is. I sense somehow that Sailor Moon is an improtant link to the ginzuishou. In some way she is connected to it. But how can such a powerful weapon be in the hands of.. of someone like her? I doubt it. She can't have it. Perhaps she knows where to find it? Stop thinking about it, Mamoru, or you'll get insane. Concentrate on the life of Chiba Mamoru and not on the pseudo-life of this pathetic knight Tuxedo Mask. Well, not that Mamoru's life is very attractive. At the moment it consists of mainly two things: studying and getting a chance to tease this cute little girl, Usagi. I smile. She's really cute. I just love it to make her angry. Where Usagi is, chaos and destruction are not far away. I like her, I really do. Though she probably wouldn't believe me if I told her, but that doesn't matter. Can you imagine that she hit me with a shoe? I just got used to look out for flying testpapers, but shoes? Normally I'd say this is just to get my attention, but I know that Usagi HATES me for making fun of her, so I guess it's just her nature to send everything flying. In a way she's like a little sister to me. She's someone that makes me laugh heartily. And fate always lets her cross my path. At least she doesn't throw her school bag at me. Yes, I admit, twenty-year-old Mamoru also had some nasty thoughts of her, but only for a moment. Hey, I'm a man! She reminds me of my mysterious princess. I'd say they both wear the same hairstyle. As does Sailor Moon. Hell, I'm surrounded by golden odangos! If Usagi wasn't Usagi, I'd think she IS Sailor Moon, but she's way too clumsy for that. Okay, Sailor Moon, too, isn't the personificated grace, but Usagi is the DEFINITION of clutziness. Anyway, she's the first girl that ever got my constant attention. Which is really funny, as she's only fourteen years old, and the world would most probably KILL me if they knew what - ahem - thoughts I have about a little girl like her. But what does someone's age really say? Only that I know how to spell independence, nothing more. I may have seen some more sunrises, but no one can tell the emotinal age of a person from their real age. I think where relationships are concerned I'm around the age of six, maybe seven years. There Usagi is far more experienced than I am. Just look at that really big smile, which seems to reach from one ear to the other!! I've seen boys of her school drooling over it. Even Motoki isn't immune to her happiness. Otherwise I'm sure he wouldn't be interested in her. And I wouldn't be, too. Because - what should I talk to her about? The pros and cons of genetic changes in a prenatal state? She'd probably think that was something to eat... No way I can imagine to have a serious discussion with Usagi about, say, worldly things. But then again, there's no need. I can talk to other students my age, or read a book about it. In the end, all those serious discussions don't make you happy, not the way her smile does. What good is it to know what the human immune system consists of if you lack the ability to make friends? All that is left are me and my oh so wise books. But life is something you can't learn from books. As is self-confidence. Usagi just knows it all by heart. She may be a clutz, she may seem stupid, but she knows how to make friends, how to LIVE. She's far more experienced in that than I, though I'm the one who lives on his own and cares for himself. Usagi always gives, without asking to get something back, and maybe people take this as a weakness and hurt her. She is depressed for a while, which you can easily hear from her deafening wail, then she regains her composure and just goes on, without looking back to the hurt. Forgetting it. Not letting it spoil her life. I DO think a lot about her. I've been observing her from a distance for quite a time now. Mamoru, the jerk. I guess I have this stupid hope that I can learn from her. Sometimes, though, it just saves my day to watch her trip over her own feet or to get mad over my constant calling her "Odango Atama". Oh, how I love it to make her mad!! It's not very complimenting that I know no other way to get closer to her, but right now I'm content with the way it is. My, my, Mamoru the student is watching a teen. Sometimes I think I'm going crazy. Not that anyone would notice. There's a silver glow over the city. Morning is coming nearer. Soon the streets will be crowded by cars. People will go to work, go shopping, talk with their friends. The city will be humming from all those words, laughter, tears... I feel like an intruder when I watch the city awake from its slumber. Like I don't belong to those people down there in the streets. I feel home when the night comes, when everything slows down, the light fades and just blackness and silver moonlight remain. Everything is clearly outlined then. What a day!! I passed two of my tests, which is really great, 'cause I wouldn't bear to study that stuff once more. Now I have some free time, finally I can do all the things I wanted to do in the last two weeks. Like what? I wish I had a real hobby. Like painting or making music. I like acting, and I'm sure I'd be a good actor. I mean, I already AM a good actor, keeping everything that bothers me inside. I have to stop thinking about this again. Normally I don't drown in self-compassion. I suppose it's just because of this stupid nightmare that keeps haunting me. Sometimes I am even afraid to go to sleep. No, I have to find a way to keep myself busy. Oh, I know this hair-style that is coming my way. She's fuming over something, at least from what I can see. Well, Mamoru, prepare for chaos and disaster (and probably a shoe flying your way). °°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "She's so mean! I bet she WAITS for me to doze off!!" I couldn't surpress this. Haruna-san is REALLY mean! It's so embarassing to stand outside. Oh no, please! It's him. Why does he have to come my way right NOW? I bet he, too, is looking for a chance to embarass me everytime he sees me. "Hey there, Odango Atama! Too much thinking at school, or why are you fuming that way?" Here we go again. "Don't you dare to call me Odango Atama! This is a very original hair-style!" Yeah, maybe I should keep my hair down, perhaps he doesn't spot me so easily then. He's just grinning, as usual. "At least you didn't throw anything at me this time! Yes, this is definitely an improvement. See you, Odango Atama!" There - he said it again! Someday I'll KILL him for calling me that, I swear. But right now I have to run. I'm late for our learning session! I'm a quite good jogger. I mean, I "practice" a lot, every morning on my way to school, and every afternoon on the way to Rei's. Maybe this is why all those cakes and cookies don't show. Wew, I'm really glad over this fact! I don't think I could pass by a sweetie shop, even if I would get fat. But being Sailor Moon is tough, and all those jogs to school and back... I guess it's enough to keep me slim. I bet the others are making fun of me right now. Rei is near an explosion most probably, while Ami just memorizes another twenty English words. Ha! I don't care. They are my friends, and they are really special. It's not that we are Sailor Senshi. It's something else, but stupid me can't figure it out exactly. Rei is like an older sister. I know she cares a lot about me, and she knows that I know. But we could never admit it. Why? Though I always get mad when she teases me AGAIN, I like it a lot, and I surely would miss her temper. She always reminds me of a volcano, ready to explode any time. But it is her who teaches me that it is important to listen to your feelings. It may seem otherwise, but it is Rei's constant teasing that makes me nearly invulnerable to insults. Of course I cry and say "Stop being so mean!". But that's my part of our little play. If it wasn't for Ami I would still attend Primary School for sure. She keeps me on the right course, adjusting my direction ever so gently. And I know that it doesn't truely matter to her what bad grades I always get. She doesn't criticize me half as often as Rei, though she's the one who would have good reasons for that. Sometimes you have to remember Ami that there's a thing called fun and pleasure. She constantly forgets it! Could never happen to me. AH!! I forgot, I'm late! Perhaps I'm not so intelligent because I actually don't HAVE time to think. There's always a place where I have to go or a thing I have to do. And then I'm so tired. Well, on the other hand, I prefer not to think about things. That just complicates them. I take my life the way it is. No, not without protest, needless to say. And I do have my dreams, of the future and of the past as well, about hunky guys and video games heroines. But being Sailor Moon taught me that some dreams do come true, but not the way you thought. But would it help to think about it? No, it wouldn't. Otherwise I couldn't brush off things so easily, like Haruna-san, bad test papers - and this JERK Mamoru. He's supposed to be a student, isn't he? Instead he seems to HAUNT me. I meet him every day! And he insists on calling me this stupid name. "Tripped AGAIN, eh, Odango Atama? But maybe your brain just needs some good and strong eruptions to finally work correctly." Oh, how I hate that smoky mocking voice!! Though I have to admit he looks good. Quite good. But he's not nice. MY boyfriend would have to be nice and caring and certainly never call me "Odango Atama". Motoki, for example, would be my type. He's always nice to me, plus he looks really good. Or Tuxedo Mask - hey, I completely forgot about Tuxedo Mask! I'm not so sure wether he likes me or not. He saves me, that's true, but I don't know what he truely thinks about Sailor Moon. Perhaps he thinks that I'm just funny. Oh, I don't know, and it's too exhausting to think about it. Here it is: three hours of torture await me. Hikawa Shrine. Those steps take the last out of me. Why can't we meet at MY home or at Ami's? Anyway, I've just taken around fifteen steps, and I already can hear Rei's ranting. One last deep breath. My bed. One of my favourite places. It's warm, it's soft and it doesn't scold me for being sleepy. Thank god that Luna is out and Shingo is downstairs. I fall down on the bed. From here I can see the sky. It's a dark blue, nearly violet, and the sun is a sinking red ball. It makes everything look warm and soft to the touch. Some tiny dust particles are dancing in the day's last rays. In around twelve hours I'll face Haruna-san again, and probably more bad grades. And more insults from the king of all jerks. What's he doing now? Is he watching the nightfall, too? Nah, he's a student. I'm sure he's out with some girl, to a student party or something like that. Though I never saw him with a girl. Funny. He IS a hunk. I can't imagine that he doesn't have a girlfriend. What is she like, I wonder. Maybe she's like Ami. Intelligent and pretty. Yes, I'm sure that's it. He wouldn't be interested in someone stupid. Someone like me... Usagi, what are you thinking! Why do you care? It's not as if I were interested in him. I'm just curious, that's all. The sun has vanished and the night has fallen over the earth. I can see two stars with my right eye and four with my left one. And I with both eyes I see the nearly full moon hanging in the sky like a lantern. The moon... Luna told me about the moon princess. I'm sure she's like the moon, all pure and silver and illuminating. Oh, I wish I could just be like that! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "Where? NO! Don't.. where??" I open my eyes in a flash. Again. Bitterness washes through me. Can't she ever let me be? Why did she chose me? I don't know what she is asking. The ginzuishou. What is it and where can I find it? I don't know, and I don't WANT to know. I just managed to get a life after all those years in the orphanage, and now this. As if my life wasn't already complicated enough. Those... those black outs. And the dreams. I'm getting worried. Maybe I should see a doctor or a psychiatrist. Sigh. Another sleepless night. I can as well stand up and cook some tea, as I usually do. While the water starts boiling I open the windows and let the fresh night breeze in. The slumbering tiger Tokyo before me I step out on the balcony to let the wind dry all those tiny sweat drops. I try not to think. Instead I focus on my senses. The whirling sound of the wind. A faint scent from my roses. The cool railing under my fingers. And the glimmering lights of a sleeping city. I look up to the sky. The moon is nearly full tonight. Sometimes I feel drawn to it for no reason. I admire its beauty and its fragrance. I used to look up to the moon in the orphanage, too, I remember. You can go wherever you want, but the moon and the stars always stay the same. They make you feel home. The water is boiling. One last glance at the moon, then I step inside again. I WILL find the solution to this mysterious dream. Someday. Well, that's it. Since so many people asked me to do a sequel to "Fate" - here it is! I think this won't be the last one, since I somehow got captured by this story (it means more to me than "Life Goes On" by now). I'd be glad to hear what You think about this story. Send any comments, good or bad, to tliebla@fh-koblenz.de I'd like to say Thank You to the following people who never stop to inspire and encourage me: Jade - thanks for Your letters, I really appreciate them! And if anyone doesn't know about her stories CHECK THEM OUT NOW!! Sidnei - I don't give up the hope that You will finish "Always and Forever". Thanks a lot for Your creative help and Your encouragement ( when reading Your mails I'm permanently blushing!!) Selena:The Moon Goddess - seems as though You keeps us waiting for chapter two of "Out of the Darkness and into the Light". But I don't care how long it takes - it's one of my favourites! Corina Borsuk - Your ideas are GREAT! Even if I don't want to irritate someone by writing alternative parts to "Life Goes On" I might do it just for You!! And I just read You story "The Promise". FANTASTIC!!! Roo - thanks for Your kind advice. It's short - but precise! Keep writing!! Yes, I know that I'm pushing Your patience, but You HAVE to know about those authors, because I like reading their works a lot: Lady M. Harris, Sexylyon, of course the above mentioned Jade, Sidnei, Selena:The Moon Goddess and Roo, Sailor November, Andrea Hui, Christopher Angel, Greenbeans, Jackie Chiang, Tim Nolan, Mark Berger, Sailor Mac, Lianne, Pandora Waldron, Sailor Jes, Sherri-Lee Thornton, Yohann de Sabrais, Crystal Heart, Mishi Kawaii, Razzz, Sue Mei... Hey, I'm actually finished!! I'm sure I forgot someone, but You certainly know all those fantastic writers out there!! Thank You for reading this story. There'll be a sequel to it, promised! ^_- Bye Ricci