Fulfillment of Destiny Chapter 1: Warrior of Mercury By Sailor Bluestar aka Crystal-san "So, what do you guys want to do this fine Saturday morning?" Crystal asks the gang. "Mamo-chan and I are going to the park." Usagi chirps. "Michiru-chan and I are going to the race track." Haruka replies. "Hotaru-chan and I are going for ice cream." Setsuna answers. "I'm going to see Motoki-san." Minako and Makoto replies happily. "I'm going shopping with Ami-chan." Rei says. "AMI-CHAN, SHOPPING? Wow what a weird case. Are you sure you're okay?" Usagi says concerned. "Hey I'm not always a study bug. Besides, Rei-chan conned me into going as long as we stop by the library." Ami explains. "Luna and I are going to do some research on our new enemies." Artemis says. "I'm going to the dojo to work out. Care to join me in a little sparring game?" Derrick asks Crystal. "Naw, I'm going to the stables. I do have lessons to teach after all. Perhaps another time. Well better be going. Wouldn't want Moondance to wait for me long." Crystal says to the group. Once she is out of hearing distance, Derrick turns towards the girls. They look as concerned for Crystal as he did. "Something is bothering her and she won't let it out." Derrick complains. "I'll go and find Cleo and Chester and ask them about Crystal-san's behavior." "We should keep an eye out for her." Haruka says. "Hai, but who. We're all so busy. Is there anyone who is going by the stables?" Minako asks. "Well, I want to go see the horses anyway." Hotaru informs the group. "Setsuna-san?" Hotaru asks nervously. "Sure." "Okay then, let's get moving. Coming Mamo-chan?" Usagi asks. "Lets go Usako." Mamoru says happily. ***** "Master, I have the perfect plan for destroying the senshi." Soldier Mercury says. "Well what is it." 'Master' says impatiently. "We know the senshi's identities and we know that if we separate them, they're weak fools. My plan is to separate the group and us youmas (demons/monsters) to kill them." Soldier Mercury informs Master. "How will you go about separating them?" Master questions. "We'll go and call them as other friends of theirs and tell them to met us at different places throughout Tokyo. The youmas should have iie trouble finding friends and pretending to be them. Or making them think that they're friends." Soldier Mercury says confidently. "What of Princess Crystalline." Master asks. "I will deal with her personally." Soldier Mercury says. "You DO know that I want her alive?" Master says. "Hai." "Very well then, proceed as planned." "Domo arigatou gozaimasu (thank you in a very respectful manner) Master." ***** "Oh Mamo-chan, the view is sooooo spectacular." Usagi cooes. "Hai indeed Usako, but the view is nothing compared to your beauty." Mamoru comments. "Mamo-chan..." Usagi says blushing. "I..." Just then Naru ran by and caught sight of Usagi. "Hey Usagi-chan. What to go shopping?" Naru asks. "Sure. Is that okay with you Mamo-chan?" Usagi asks Mamoru. "Sure. I don't mind. We'll take a walk in the park later." Mamoru says, a little disappointed. But Usagi never heard his disappointment. "Let's go." ***** At the arcade, Motoki is having a day off, so Minako and Makoto couldn't see him. Minako settled for playing the Sailor V game and Makoto is scoping out the guys in the arcade. Then she saw him. He had black hair, black jacket, jeans, sneakers, gray shirt, and the reddest eyes she'd ever seen. She went to introduce herself. "Moshi moshi (Hi). My name is Makoto." Makoto says sweetly. "Moshi moshi suteki one. My name is Freddy." Freddy says, darkly. "How about you and me go get a shake?" "Arigatou. I'd love to." Makoto answers happily. ***** "Excuse me miss." a man with brown hair, red eyes, with casual jogging pants and shirt on stepped up to Michiru. "Hai?" Michiru answers. "I couldn't help but notice your beauty. How about you pose for me?" the man asks. "Oh and by the way, I'm Cory." "I want to, but my friend will be finish in minutes." Michiru explains. "But this will only take a minute." Cory tells her. "All right then." Michiru agrees. ***** In the library, Ami finds a section she has never seen before which is rather unusual. Yet her curiosities took her within the books and Rei couldn't find her. Ami marvels at the kinds of books the section has. She wasn't paying any attention to where she is going and bangs into a girl who has light green hair, red eyes, flower dress, and dress shoes on. "Gomen nasai (sorry)." Ami says. "That's all right. Have you seen this section before? I haven't seen you before." the girl asks. "Iie, have you?" Ami asks. "Hai. This is my sanctuary." the girl explains. "Oh." "But I will allow you to come. My name's Ret." Ret says. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Ami." Ami introduces herself. "I found this interesting book. Want to read together?" Ret asks. "Sure." ***** At the ice cream shop, Hotaru got a vanilla sundae and Setsuna got a chocolate ice cream bar. They eat their ice cream discussing senshi tactics when a shadow fell upon them. They looked up to see a man smiling at them, especially Setsuna. He has black hair, red eyes, jean jacket, jeans, white top, and sneakers. "Moshi moshi. I am Jos and I was wondering if you would care to tuck the little one in and join me in a cafe for coffee?" Jos says gesturing to Setsuna. "Hotaru-chan. Would you mind going 'home'?" Setsuna says hinting at the word 'home'. Hotaru took the hint, "Sure." ***** At the dojo, Derrick couldn't concentrate on his opponent. He is thinking about Crystal. He is worried. The man he is sparring with had blue hair, red eyes, and has a karate uniform of that of the dojo on. He has black belt. He is proving to be a good adversary. Derrick clears his head and tries to focus on his opponent. 'It is much more intense when Crystal did the attacking.' Derrick thought. He lands a few good punches and kicks on the other man. In return, the man uses simple attacks. In the end the man introduces himself. "Good workout ne? My name by the way is Connret." Connret says breathing hard. "Yeah. How about you and I go grab something to drink after we change?" Derrick suggests. "Sure." ***** At the stables, Crystal finished warming up her white purebred Arabian horse, Moondance. She taught her lesson without noticing a man watching her every move. At the end of the lesson and all the kids are gone, the man came forward and says, "Little One, can we talk." Crystal knew who is the person. It is her love, Joseph. "Sure. I don't have any more classes to teach today anyway. What's up love?" "Us." Joseph replies sadly. "What!?" Crystal says, shocked beyond belief. "I'm sorry, but we have to break our relationship off. My Master might get me to destroy you. I'm sorry for this, but it'll be better this way. It wouldn't hurt as much." Joseph explains. "HURT AS MUCH. Why did you fall in love with me than if you're going to throw it away? Wouldn't hurt as much is a lousy reason for breaking up. If it is for another girl, it would have been easier, but wouldn't hurt as much is a lousy reason. I suggest thinking up a better reason." Crystal says, hurting. "I'm sorry, but I owe him many things. If he uses your death as my command, then I have no choice but to destroy you. I'm sorry." Joseph says. "SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS? LEAVE, I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN." Crystal yells. "Fine." Joseph says quietly, feeling his heart break at her words. 'It's a lot better this way.' he tries to convince himself, but his heart would never accept it. ***** "Naru, Freddy, Cory, Ret, Jos, Connret report." Soldier Mercury commands. "Naru here and I've got the moon brat." "Freddy here and I've got Jupiter." "Cory here and I've got Neptune." "Ret here and I've got Mercury." "Jos here and I've got Pluto." "Connret here and I've got Dragonlance." "Good job. Proceed as planned. Kin go get Tux Boy, Jap get Venus, Tek get Uranus, Fer get Mars, Tuk get Saturn. I will deal with Bluestar. Be careful of their powers and keep them away from the other senshi. Let's move out." Soldier Mercury commands. ***** Kin found Mamoru sitting on the bench. He is staring at the rose gardens as usual and Kin sat next to him on the bench. "The roses are suteki." Kin comments "Hai they are. Who are you?" Mamoru answers. "My name is Kin. And you?" Kin asks. "Mamoru." Mamoru replies. "You seem sad Mamoru-san." Kin says. "My girlfriend and I was suppose to spend today together. But her school friend came and they went shopping." Mamoru explains. "You still have tomorrow, IF there is a tomorrow for YOU." Kin hisses. Mamoru looks into Kin's red eyes and sees evil. ***** Jap found Minako playing Sailor V, oblivious to everyone around her. He taps her on her shoulder and Minako looks up to find a white hair man with red eyes. She quickly turned back when she hears that the game is over. "AHHH. Why can't I beat this game?" "Calm down miss. My name is Jap. What's yours?" Jap answers. "Minako." Minako replies. "How about we play together. I'll help you if you want." Jap suggests. "Sure." ***** Tek found Haruka still racing out on the track. She grins evilly. 'Excellent. She won't be able to rescue anyone when she is busy racing.' she thought. ***** Fer found Rei trying to find Ami. Fer offers to help look for Rei's friend and introduces herself. Rei is thankful, but couldn't help but sense evil around. ***** Tuk found Hotaru heading for the stables. He went as a boy looking for a friend. He came up to Hotaru and introduces himself. He asks, "Want to come play with me on the swings?" Hotaru stares into his red eyes and could not say no. ***** Soldier Mercury found Crystal sitting under a tree crying. Moondance is trying her best to comfort her to no avail. "So this is the so-called senshi. How pathetic, crying is a human emotion, a weakness." Soldier Mercury states. "So what are you going to do about it. BLUESTAR ETERNAL CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Mamoru realizes that Kin was a youma and transforms into Tuxedo Kamen. The fight begins. ***** Usagi realizes the Naru she is walking with is not her best friend Naru because she sees the real Naru and Umino sharing a prune shake in a shop. She turns to see the fake Naru change into a youma. "I've had it." she shouts. "MOON ETERNAL..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Minako couldn't help but turn away from Jap. She sense evil energy from him. She turns and sees that Jap has turn into a youma. "VENUS CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Makoto sees Freddy transform into the youma that he is and shouts, "JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Tek still watches from a far as Haruka rounds the curb and heads straight for the finish line. She sense the other youma's transformation, but decides to wait. ***** Cory kept sketching Michiru. He had a devil's smile on his face. He transforms into a youma and attacks. Michiru shouts, "NEPTUNE CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Rei sense evil energy at their peak and when she turn to face Fer, Fer transforms from Fer to her true form. Rei shouts, "MARS CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Ret and Ami read the book and when Ami looks up, Ret had a predatorial gleam in her red eyes. Ret's form shift into those of a youma. Ami shouts, "MERCURY CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Hotaru saw Tuk transform into his true youma form. She shouts, "SATURN CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Setsuna sense the other senshi's transformation and looks at Jos. She sees Jos as a youma. She shouts, "PLUTO CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Derrick is walking to the drink stand when he saw Connret turn into a youma. He shouts, "DRAGON POWER." ***** Soldier Mercury sneers at Super Eternal Sailor Bluestar, "I am the Warrior of Mercury, Soldier Mercury. You are such a weakling, crying over something stupid iie doubt. I'll show you what power is all about. FREEZING RAIN." ***** Kin attacks Tuxedo Kamen with all her powers. Tuxedo Kamen cries out in pain. He throws his roses at Kin. ***** Naru attacks Eternal Sailor Moon. "That's it. Iie more little miss nice moon. MOON RAPIER ANNIHILATION." The mighty blast dusted the Naru youma. Eternal Sailor Moon rushes to find the others. ***** Jap attacks Super Sailor Venus. Super Sailor Venus cries out, "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH." Jap got hit with the beam, but is not dusted until Eternal Sailor Moon arrived and shouts, "MOON RAPIER ANNIHILATION." The youma is now dusted. ***** Freddy attacks Super Sailor Jupiter. Super Sailor Jupiter shouts, "JUPITER SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE!" Freddy still stood with tons of hits. Eternal Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Venus came to the rescue, "MOON RAPIER ANNIHILATION." Freddy is dusted. ***** Tek watch Haruka pass the finish line as first place champion. She smiles gleefully. Haruka scanned her eyes through the audience, but couldn't find Michiru's face anywhere. She then saw Tek watching her with her red eyes. They had an evil look to them. When they coast was clear, Haruka sees Tek transform into a youma. She shouts, "URANUS CRYSTAL POWER..." "...MAKE-UP!" ***** Cory kept Super Sailor Neptune on her guard. He attacks suddenly, but Super Sailor Neptune counters back with a shout, "DEEP SEA SUBMERGE." Cory dodge the attack gracefully and attacked once more. Then Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter showed up and took him down. "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH." "JUPITER SPARKLING WIDE PRESSURE." "MOON RAPIER ANNIHILATION." The youma is dusted. ***** Fer attacks Eternal Sailor Mars heavily. Eternal Sailor Mars shouts, "FIRE SOUL." Fer took the hit but is still active. Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Neptune shows up, "MOON RAPIER ANNIHILATION." The youma is dead. ***** Ret attacks Super Sailor Mercury and is dangerously close to killing her. Super Sailor Mercury shouts, "MERCURY ICE BUBBLES FREEZE" Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Neptune, Eternal Sailor Mars found Super Sailor Mercury and together dusted the youma. ***** Tuk attacks the senshi of silence without mercy. Super Sailor Saturn calls out, "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE." Tuk is no more. Super Sailor Saturn is joined by Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Neptune, Eternal Sailor Mars, and Super Sailor Mercury. ***** Jos attacks the senshi of time. Super Sailor Pluto shouts, "DEAD SCREAM." Jos is no more. Super Sailor Pluto is joined by Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Neptune, Eternal Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mercury, and Super Sailor Saturn. ***** Dragonlance destroys Connret with a fire ball. Dragonlance is joined by Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Neptune, Eternal Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Saturn, and Super Sailor Pluto. ***** Tek attacks Super Sailor Uranus. They fight and fight. Finally Super Sailor Uranus had enough, "WORLD SHAKING." Tek wouldn't go down that easily, so, "SPACE SWORD BLASTER!" Super Sailor Uranus cries. Tek is no more. Super Sailor Uranus is joined by Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Neptune, Eternal Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Pluto, and Dragonlance. ***** Super Eternal Sailor Bluestar did all she could to dodge the attacks. She shouts, "BLUESTAR TIDE." Soldier Mercury dodge the attack, but was injured non the less. He saw Super Sailor Uranus followed by Eternal Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Neptune, Eternal Sailor Mars, Super Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Pluto, and Dragonlance. He knows he has failed, but he saw that Tuxedo Kamen is not in the group, if he could kill the Tux Boy, Eternal Sailor Moon would not be able to live anymore without him in her life. Eternal Sailor Moon sense her love's struggle, so she flew off to find him. ***** Tuxedo Kamen dodge all Kin's attempts of killing him, but is losing strength. Then a shadow is seen overhead. He looked up to see Eternal Sailor Moon flying down towards them. "MOON RAPIER ANNIHILATION." "Daijobu? Mamo-chan?!?" Eternal Sailor Moon asks when she lands. "Daijobu Usako, daijobu." Tuxedo Kamen says tiredly. "We must get back, Super Eternal Sailor Bluestar can't hold out much longer with the new bad guy." Eternal Sailor Moon takes off with Tuxedo Mask in her arms. When they got back, all except Super Eternal Sailor Bluestar, Dragonlance, Super Sailor Pluto, Super Sailor Uranus, and Super Sailor Mercury with a few injuries were unconscious. "WORLD SHAKING." "DEAD SCREAM." "DRAGON FIRE." The blast is inaccurate with aim and misses, but Soldier Mercury sure didn't. "FREEZING RAIN." Dragonlance, Super Sailor Pluto, Super Sailor Uranus are all knocked out with the rest. Eternal Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen are caught in the after effects when they landed behind the three before the contact of the blast so they are knocked out too. Super Sailor Mercury couldn't stand it any longer to see her friends hurt, "MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY FREEZE." The blast is blocked for a while by Soldier Mercury, but the shield gave in and Soldier Mercury is injured. Super Sailor Mercury's blue heart crystal in the center of the front light blue bow grew small golden wings with a golden Mercury symbol in the center of the heart and the golden star on her choker changed into a golden heart. Super Sailor Mercury changes into Eternal Sailor Mercury. "I'll be back to destroy you and retrieve Super Eternal Sailor Bluestar." Soldier Mercury snarls and winks out. Super Eternal Sailor Bluestar turns to the group laying on the ground, "BLUESTAR HEALING BEAM." Once healed, "Hey look you guys, another note." Super Sailor Pluto says. "What's it say?" Super Sailor Venus asks. "Dear senshi, "I have provided Mars and Mercury with their new powers, use them well. The rest of you will receive the powers all in good time. Be strong friends, be strong. "Signed Soldier Moon & Sailor Earth" Super Sailor Pluto reads. "Soldier Moon and Sailor Earth again?" Dragonlance questions. "It seems that they are helping us. I did have information pop into my brain before." Eternal Sailor Mars states. "Then how come you didn't use it before?" Eternal Sailor Moon asks. "Shut up Odango Atama. I didn't have enough time to summon it. Besides, it would use too much of my all ready spent energy." Eternal Sailor Mars snaps. "WAAAAHHHHH. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SOOOO MEAN ALL THE TIME REI!!!" Eternal Sailor Moon wails. "Hush Usako. Come on, lets get before people come back." Tuxedo Kamen suggests. They all nod their agreement and detransforms. ***** "You have failed me Soldier Mercury." Master says. "I am sorry Master." Soldier Mercury says bowing respectively. "The senshi have began to be powerful, especially Super Soldier Mercury." "Go heal yourself. Soldier Neptune, you're incharge for the next battle. And I wish to have those brats gone this time." "Hai Master." Soldier Neptune says, bowing before his Master. As the two left and teleports to their lounge where the others are waiting... "HA HA! So the Warrior of Mercury have failed our Master in defeating the senshi." the soldiers teases. "Shut up." grumbles Soldier Mercury. "Now you know how I felt." Soldier Mars declares to Soldier Mercury. During this time Soldier Bluestar once again stares into his mirror overlooking Crystal. He feels bad for not coming to her like he is suppose to and hurting her, but he just couldn't do such a thing. He stares at Crystal's hurt face and his heart starts to break once more. To Be Continued...