Hello! You have reached the "Applying to US universities" website designed by Suvir S Bhatia. These pages contain the following information:
* A Timeline to help you plan your application process timing
* Help on Shortlisiting universities
* Information about Financial Aid and getting International Student Loans
* Hints on taking exams for graduate and post-graduate courses
* Guidance on preparing your application packet
* Loads of information on preparing for your visa, including a guided tour of the Delhi Embassy
* Pre departure information like how to take money to the US, how to arrange housing there etc.
* Links to useful websites related to applying and preperation
Unfortunately, these pages can only be viewed from a web browser that supports graphics. As a
result, you will need a TCP/IP account and a graphics & frame-enabled browser with Javascript support
before you can view them. I regret this shortcoming of my site, but hope that you can still
view the site elsewhere and benefit from the information here.
In case you need any specific information, you can email me at suvir@bigfoot.com.