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Class Name : SOLAR

Classification : Cruiser

Type : CC (Command Cruiser)

Model Number : I

Number in Service : 4

Designations : USS PULSAR (NCC-1010), USS QUASAR (NCC-1911-E), USS NEBULA (NCC-2001), USS ANDROMEDA (NCC-11027-A)


Length : 711 m

Beam : 500 m

Draft : 189 m

Displacement : 7,400,000 metric tons


Total Standard : 1,500

Officers : 115

Crew : 1,035

Medics : 300

Passengers : 50 (Nonmilitary passengers)


Number : 3

Main Reactor : FRAM-1202

D-Warp Drive : Dim-III-G4i


Drive Type : KRLT

Number : 3

Secondary Reactor : FRIF-700 Network


(Dual Flight Mode)

Standard Cruise Speed : 7.0 Maximum Cruise Speed : 9.4 Sustainable for 12 hours : 9.7 Maximum Emergency Speed : 9.85 Core Failure Imminent : 9.95

(Separated Flight Mode -- Saucer)

Standard Cruise Speed : 5.0 Maximum Cruise Speed : 7.0 Sustainable for 12 hours : 7.2 Maximum Emergency Speed : 7.3 Core Failure Imminent : 7.5

(Separated Flight Mode -- Stardrive)

Standard Cruise Speed : 7.0 Maximum Cruise Speed : 9.5 Sustainable for 12 hours : 9.8 Maximum Emergency Speed : 9.95 Core Failure Imminent : 9.97

Warp Speed Formulas Subspace Physics Relativity and FTL Travel


Number : 13 banks Range : 300,000 km Arcs : saucer module dorsal array saucer module ventral array saucer module dorsal aft (P/S) battle section dorsal array (separated flight only) battle section aft dorsal array battle section aft ventral array (P/S) nacelle pylon array (P/S) battle section ventral array


Number : 2 turrets of 2 banks each Range : 200,000 km Arcs : nacelle pylon (P/S)

FLUX TORPEDO, Mk III Seeking/Direct

Number : 7 tubes Range : 3,500,000 km (Flux), 3,000,000 km (Photon) Arcs : 3 forward, 2 aft (Stardrive) 1 aft saucer (separated flight only) 1 forward saucer

Deflector System : FD-12e "Carapace" cocoon-multiphasic deflector system

Enhanced Metaphasic Shields Enhanced Navigational Deflectors


Standard, 6-person : 8 Emergency, 16-person : 8 Combat, 12-person : 4 Cargo : 10

Shuttle Bays : 4 (2 plus 2 aux)


Runabout : 4 Medical Dropship : 4 Shuttle, D-Warp : 4 Personnel Shuttle, Small : 10 Personnel Shuttle, Large : 7 Shuttlepod : 16 Cargo Shuttle : 10

The SOLAR-class Command Cruiser is the latest cruiser design to come from Starfleet Engineering, and was a personal project of Admiral Hathaway. Based on the OLYMPIC-class Cruisers, the SOLAR-class is designed to be a multi-mission ship, much like its predecessor. Unlike the OLYMPIC-class, however, the SOLAR-class is quite capable of leading major combat operations. The weapons and shielding systems have been upgraded, and a third warp nacelle has been added to provide enhanced warp field power and improved geometry to allow faster warp travel.

The Andromeda carries enhanced computer cores that allow the ship to coordinate major fleet movements including starships, shuttlecraft flight groups, and other craft. Further, the new ORACLE sensor array has been incorporated into the design. This system, based on the DELPHI array of the FENRIS, makes the best compromise between advanced DELPHI sensors and the special equipment needed to utilize the DELPHI array to its fullest. This gives the ship some of the most advanced sensor technology in Star Fleet while giving the array robust performance under combat conditions.

The Primary hull incorporates many changes, including 5 new decks. The most striking addition, however, is a third warp nacelle, mounted directly on the saucer. Whereas the saucer-section of an OLYMPIC-class cruiser was incapable of warp flight, the Andromeda's saucer is capable of warp speed. This makes it a much more valuable evacuation vehicle. In the event of evacuation to the Primary hull, an OLYMPIC, often working many hundreds of lightyears from Federation space, could be stranded for months before a rescue ship arrived. In contrast, the Andromeda's saucer can easily return to Federation space on its own power. The single warp drive can propel the Saucer at speeds of up to Warp 7, and slightly higher speeds if absolutely necessary. Further, the Andromeda's saucer section mounts two torpedo launchers -- the traditional aft launcher which is concealed while the ship is in dual-flight mode and a new second launcher which is a forward mounted tube that can fire photon or flux torpedoes when operating in dual or separate flight mode.

The secondary-hull maintains most aspects of the OLYMPIC-class, with the exception that a "dummy" warp nacelle is added in an elongated aft section to stabilize the warp field geometry. This fourth nacelle acts to balance the warp geometry of the three nacelle system.

Turrets are mounted below each of the Secondary hull warp nacelles. Each mount contains two of the new pulse phaser banks. These weapons operate by firing repeated "pulses" of phased energy at a target. These high-powered packets impact sequentially on the same part of a target's shield. With each impact comes a "dimpling" of the shield; before the shield can regenerate, it is struck by another pulse and then another. This attack functions to penetrate the shield bubble and strike the hull before conventional weapons can.

The Andromeda has four landing bays, two each in the primary and secondary hull, that carry many smaller craft including runabouts, shuttlepods, and medical dropships which each are fully functional hospital units, capable of giving medical attention up to 150 patients at a time.

The other major enhancements are the addition of flux torpedoes and the the new FD-12e "Carapace" deflector shields. These enhanced screens are some 20% more powerful than the shields on the OLYMPIC class vessel. The upgraded fire-control computers of the Andromeda allow more accurate delivery of these weapons than achievable by any other ship in the fleet. Although approximately the same size as photon torpedoes, flux torpedoes employ an advanced warhead design with dramatically higher energy flux rates, thereby increasing the explosive power.

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