When you first arise in the morning,
give thanks to the Creator, to the four directions,
to Mother Earth, to Father Sky,
and to all of our relations,
for the life within you and for all life around you

Remember that all things are connected
All things have purpose, everything has its place
Honor others by treating them with kindness and consideration

If you have more than you need for yourself and your family,
consider performing a "giveaway"
by distributing your possessions to others who are in need

You are bound by your word, which cannot be broken
except by permission of those who the promise was given to
Seek harmony and balance in all things

It is always important to remember where you are in relation to everything else,
and to contribute to the Circle in whatever way you can
by being a "helper" and protector of life
Sharing is the best part of receiving

Practice silence and patience in all things as a reflection
of self-control, endurance, dignity, reverence, and inner calm

Practice modesty in all things, by avoiding boasting
and loud behavior that attracts attention to yourself

Know the things that contribute to your well-being,
and those things that lead to your destruction

Always ask permission, and give something for everything that is received,
including giving thanks for, and honoring all living things

Be aware of what is around you, what is inside of you,
and always show respect

Treat every person from the tiniest child to the oldest elder with respect
Do not stare at others; drop your eyes as a sign of respect,
especially in the presence of Elders, teachers, or other honored persons

Always give a sign of greeting when passing a friend or stranger
Never criticize or talk about someone in a harmful, negative way
Never touch something that belongs to someone else without permission

Respect the privacy of every person, making sure to never intrude
upon someone's quiet moments or personal space

Never interfere in the affairs of another by asking questions or offering advice

Never interrupt others

In another persons home, follow his or her customs rather than your own
Treat with respect all things held sacred to others
whether you understand these things or not

Treat Earth as your mother; give to her, protect her, honor her;
show deep respect for those in the animal world, plant world, and mineral world

Listen to guidance offered by all of your surroundings;
expect this guidance to come in the form of prayer, dreams, quiet solitude,
and in the words and deeds of wise Elders, and friends

Listen with your heart
Learn from your experiences, and always be open to new ones
Always remember that a smile is something sacred, to be shared
Live each day as it comes
"....we shall be known by the tracks we leave behind."



Site Map

Because of the layout of this site,
there are many pages, sub-pages and links

To make it easier
to see exactly what is all here,
I have included a Site Map
through the Lodge.
If you get off the path during your journey,
just click on the site map.