Some say that this place doesn't exist and never has....
and is just a dream in the minds of the old people....
A dream that brings them hope that peace will prevail....
and the four leggeds and the two leggeds will be....
as they were long ago, and the Earth Mother....
will once again be as she was when the people respected her....
She gave them life and beautiful gardens to live in....
Some say that this place exists only in the minds of the old people....
This place that you see before you....
It is a great honor to be here and I know that in time that you will feel this also....
Do not close yourself off to what will be the greatest gift ever given to you....
It was your dreaming that brought you here and this is a good thing....
It is very strong medicine....Open your heart to what is happening to you now....
And understanding will follow....This is truly a great place....

When I came to be here my fathers and my mothers already lived here....
and all of my relatives live here too....
They brought me here through my dreams....
just as they have brought you here through your dreams....
and now they are your relatives too....
This place is a village that stands for peace and much more....
It stands for a way of life....that was the people....
that was taken away from the people....
and it stands for the strength of a people that will not just go away....
I have seen in my dreams that the circle is almost complete....
and that there is a great gathering soon to happen....
The shamans and the holy people will be at this gathering....
and they will sing great medicine for all the world....
and their medicine will be strong....
So strong that none will be able to resist it....
They will sing peace into the hearts of all of the peoples....
and the world will be as one and a great healing will take place....
Our Earth Mother will once again be a garden of peace and all discord will be wiped away....
Balance will once again be restored....
and it is us that will bring it all about....
No one or force would dare to come down upon this place....
and tear it from the sacred ground that it stands upon....
I am your Grandfather and this is what I have to say.
It is so....
Author Unknown


Site Map

Because of the layout of this site,
there are many pages, sub-pages and links...

To make it easier
to see exactly what is all here,
I have included a Site Map
through the Lodge.
If you get off the path during your journey,
just click on the site map.