Order Information:

Step 1: Fill out the Personal Information.
Step 2: Print out a hardcopy of this online form after you completed it. If you don't have a printer or it just won't print, then write it out on a 8.5-11" sheet of paper with the same information asked on the order form.
Step 3: Send your order form enclosed with a cash/money order payable to "Hien Nguyen"not Sailor Moon World with the total amount and send it out to:

            Sailor Moon World
            2663 SANDUSKY AVE.E
            JACKSONVILLE,FLORIDA 32216

Step 4: Made sure you have everything in the envelop:
             1.Order Form
             2.Money Order/Cash
             3.Self-Address Label

*If you sent cash,make sure you wrap it safety.I am not responsible for lost money. 
Step 5: You must wait for the tapes to come. 
Step 6: The maxium reserve time for tapes come to you is take about 4 to 6 week or less(defend on where you live).
Step 7: All prices are in U.S.A. funds.
* If there are something wrong with the tapes, you mail back to me,and soon I receive the tapes, I will mail to you another tape in a week or 2.

Tapes Includes Shipping & Handling

           1 TAPE  2 TAPES  3 TAPES  4 TAPES  5 TAPES  6 TAPES

U.S.A:     $8.00   $13.00   $17.00   $22.00   $27.00   $32.00


N.America: $16.00  $19.00   $26.00   $32.00   $43.00   $47.00

S.America: $20.00  $24.00   $34.00   $39.00   $50.00   $54.00

W.Europe:  $18.00  $22.00   $28.00   $33.00   $43.00   $48.00

PacificR:  $20.00  $23.00   $34.00   $38.00   $52.00   $56.00 

Personal Information:

Zip Code:
Payment:   O Money Order O Cash

Order Information:

   Item Name:           Item Price:              Quanity:


                                                 Sub-Total: $
