It is beyond me how people can treat animals they would never another human being in a million years. Why they do, I don't could be because these bastards get a senseless kick out of watching a defenseless animal suffer, or perhaps they go on a cheap power trip exerting control over a pitiful creature...or maybe they're plain idiots too fucking stupid to see the pain they are causing to these little creatures.

Animals have no voice. They cannot communicate in ways from which we human beings understand each other. Animals are helpless, they cannot speak out for their rights. They are voiceless as innocent victims of cruelty at the hands of people, they are the world's silent sufferers, forgotten victims. All over the world every day animals are subjected to unspeakable acts of needless cruelty. Why let this go on? Why close our eyes to the apparent injustice that's out there? Why add to the problem by choosing to ignore it? The fact of the matter is they need our help. They need us to speak out for them against their oppression, to propose legislation to provide for their basic rights, to change ignorant attitudes about the place of animals in our world, to educate people that animals are worthy of our respect, to spread the word that thousands of animals suffer every day, to demand change in the ways in which animals are treated...Their not having a voice should only entice us to speak out for their rights, not abuse and exploit them at our whim.

The bottom line is that animals have feelings. They are capable of feeling whatever we human beings feel. Would you deliberately cause suffering to a human baby? Then how can you justify causing pain and misery to rabbits, pigs, snakes, tigers, apes? We all have the same one capacity - to feel. If causing pain to the man on the street is unthinkable, why think differently for animals? Animals deserve compassion as we do. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect as we do. They deserve to live out their lives in freedom and pleasure as we do. Just because they have no voice does not mean that we can abuse them. Animals are living, feeling beings.

How can we explain coddling a Shih-tzu and showering it with love, and electrocuting a calf and bloodily slaughtering it with frenzy? Why do we serve pigs on a plate and cats household pets? Why is it okay to club seals to death, riddle foxes with gunshots, pierce hooks in fishes' mouths, explode a whale from its insides, slit a chicken's throat while its alive? On what basis do we treat living, feeling creatures one way and another living, feeling creature another way? It is the reckless way in which we discriminate against a certain group of the same feeling beings I fail to comprehend. There is no logical basis for treating living beings that can feel from one extreme to another. It is irrational and stupid.

These animals are born with the right to live as they're supposed to. Not to be deliberately misused for our selfish purposes. They are not ours to eat, to be put into our mouths then into our bodies. Animals are not meant to be ingested and digested. They are certainly not ours to experiment on, to have their bodies torn apart, flesh turned inside out, their insides scrutinized, brains prodded. Animals are not ours to infect, rape, brutalize, burn, terrorize. They are not a practice target, to be chased and shot at for senseless fun and amusement, their heads hacked off and put on walls as trophies. Animals are not a leather/fur source, to have their skin ripped off from their flesh, just so that stupid and ignorant people can wear their pelt and blood for a vanity kick. Animals are not a spare parts factory for degenerating human bodies, to be born, bred, murdered for us only so that their cavities can be emptied and their organs attached into the ailing human biological form. They are not a joke to be laughed and mocked at as paraded in a circus ring wearing and doing the most ludicrous, the most unnatural, forcefully trained to do the preposterous. Animals are not things, to be incarcerated and confined forever, deprived of the warmth, touch, love, companionship of their own kin, denied their rightful place in the world and its ecosystem.

A glimpse of the horrors of animal abuse:
A Visual Gallery of Animal Exploitation
Animal Liberation Brigade (go to 'Images' hyperlink)

All animals are beautiful. Deserving of respect, uninterference, a fulfilled life. To play and be with their kind. To socialize, learn, grow. To see the sun, feel the blades of grass upon their feet. To experience and live, in all their magnificence and splendor. No matter what, no one can deny another living creature the right to be. The bulk of people assume superiority over animals, and try to find reason to justify their murder. The fact is, there is NO justifiable reason to stop a life from being. To kill another being. To take another's life away.

A life is a life, as precious as anything, no matter whose it is.
The day when animals are free from struggle and oppression, then there will be peace and human liberation.


Say no to animal abuse and exploitation:
The Animal Bill of Rights
Ethical Consumption


***** Adopt your pet from an animal shelter *****

There is no doubt about it - we have enough unwanted animals. Even worse, people are resorting to abandoning their pets in the streets as soon as they get sick and tired of them, dumped like used toys. More and more cats and dogs are being put down every year, and the ones in the streets live a life of starvation, sickness, disease, thirst, cruelty, fear, abuse, possibly a slow and painful death.

Do not ever buy pets from pet shops. Pet shops contribute to the overpopulation of unwanted pets, and should be boycotted at all costs. Animals are not commodities to be sold the way they are in pet stores. Pet store owners treat their animals as nothing more than items, to be sold to make money. Yes, the exchange of precious lives for money. They don't care jack about the animals' welfare. Pet stores sell animals like markets sell fruit. In unlicensed pet shops animals are more often than not sick and at the verge of death because they are not properly vaccinated at the time of birth. Pet stores are unnecessary when there are already hundreds of thousands of healthy animals waiting for homes in animal shelters around the world. Millions of animals in shelters die because people buy from pet shops. Remember, when you buy an animal from a pet store, you kill one from a shelter.

Animals in pet stores were factory bred in sweatshop-like conditions in farms often called puppy mills. There female dogs are forced to be pregnant all their lives, giving birth to litter after litter until their worn out bodies can bear no more pups. Bitches are kept in dark and humid cages for all of their short lives. Some farms don't even have the right resources with bitches forced to bear pups in cardboard boxes, used cars even. There is nobody around to stimulate them, there is no human contact whatsoever. Usually, both mother and pups have no veterinary attention, and because bitches and pups are kept so close to each other, they are often carrying disease, possibly fatal ones. Mother dogs are then forced to have their babies pried from them weeks after their birth, barely weaned, to be shipped off to pet shops all over the world. Statistics show that up to half these pups die during shipment. In the meantime, the bitches are brutally put down when they are past their pup-bearing days, unable to produce pups for profit.

Adopt a pet only when you are ready to commit to loving and looking after it. A dog lives up to 10 years, smaller dogs up to 15, and cats up to 25 years. A pet is a lifetime commitment, which involves responsibility and maturity. Animals need no less care, love, devotion and time than humyn babies. Never give an animal as a gift, under any circumstances. An animal's worth is surely more than that. Would you give a baby away? And just as important, neuter your pet. We don't want more unwanted animals ending up in the bin.

***** Korea's tragic victims *****

It is a widely known fact that in Asia animals have a long way to go before their status is acknowledged and respected, as long-standing cultural norms come in the way of accepting and valuing the sanctity of an animal life. In Korea in particular, most dogs and cats face a sad fate, because they are routinely killed for the purpose of human consumption. Dogs are considered local delicacy while cats a foundation ingredient in potions and pseudo cures. Sad to say, the consumption of dogs and cats is a flourishing industry. The methods of slaughter are brutal and horrific, because of the illogical belief that the more pain the animal is in during slaughter, the better its meat will be upon consumption.

In short, dogs are hung, then blowtorched to death. The dog is alive and conscious as its fur is blowtorched, leaving it to experience an agonizing death. Cats fare no better, meeting their ends either by being beaten after being put in sacks, or being boiled in large pots of water - in both cases while still alive. In some cases, the butchered dogs are lost pets.

For more on Korea, go here, which has exellent links to other anti-dog eating sites. For info on dog consumption in China, click here and here. Pictures on these sites are overly offensive and gross, but unfortunately depict tragic reality. People need to see this. Also check out The Anti-Dogmeat Movement Headquarters of Korea, an organization dedicated to saving dogs and cats raised for meat in the gruesome dog/cat-eating industry.

***** The dog and cat fur trade *****


Animal Aid
At first glance, you'd think this UK-based site was a bit lacking in substance like i did, but go to its directory, and a cluttered array of subjects/topics awaits (delve deeper and you'll be surprised). Site is a lot better than it looks at first. Info on its campaigns as well as its campaign resources are good, although buried somewhere underneath.

Animal Concerns Community
A place on the web especially for animal people. This site has a whoppingly huge database on everything animals-related, not merely rights issues, but stuff like biodiversity, ethics, medicine, the media, legal happenings, etc. Find anything you want on here...This is the ultimate online community for serious animal welfarists and activists.

Animal Liberation
Under construction at the moment, but should be up and running any time soon. In the meantime contains one of most excellent sets of quotes on animal rights and veganism. Comes with great pics of a variety of animals.

Animal Liberation NSW
My favorite organization - they're grassroots, passionate, they take no shit, they're practical, they're effective. The site is well-rounded, comprehensive, activist-oriented with most animal issues highlighted. Good campaigns you can participate in, focusing on Australia. Contains celebrity interviews, movies, reviews, vegan recipes. Regularly updated.

Animal People News Rights Defense
As far as I know, the only search engine on the web specifically for animal issues. Search for a particular topic in its news archive by typing in key words, or go straight to its subject section, which covers 48 (!) topics. Also has quick links to global campaigns.

Animal Rights Coalition
Campaigns the coalition is involved in (mostly vivisection). The pitifully scanty site does little justice to how much the organization has done and achieved so far, so don't let the shabbiness of the site deter you. In fact it seems that the organization has participated in many successful campaigns. There's an FAQ for animal rights beginners, and the monthly newsletter is good too. Links to other animal sites.
has a vast directory and resource base on animal rights. Topics are neatly categorized, and subjects easy to locate. The site comprises over 25 subjects, including activism info, cruel-free living, law and legislation, news/mailing lists and animals & religion. Worth going to. The 2 discussion forums offer an arena to voice your opinions.

Animals' Agenda
Online version of the journalistic magazine dedicated to informing people of the latest animal issues. My personal opinion, not a very happening site - however has a very useful search engine for animal welfare organizations, pity it's only for within the US. Has an archive of past featured articles.

Asian Animal Protection Network
Network offering many sites centered on protecting and speaking up for Asia's animals. Site is dreary on the eyes, a bit difficult navigating your way around...also could use better layout and formatting! However, excellent resource site with many local links, check out contact persons and addresses in the region. With mailing list.

Born Free Foundation
I just had to include this site. The 1966 flick about Joy Adamson and Elsa is, to the earliest of my recollection, probably what ignited my love and passion for animals, putting me on this lifetime journey of caring for animals, and changing their lives for the better. The Born Free Foundation was established in memory of Adamson and her husband (both were murdered, Joy by an ex-employee, George by a poacher) by the two actors that portrayed them in the movie.

Coalition to Ban the Fur Trade
Overview of the fur industry, the brutality and horrors. Informative, non-confrontational. Links to a few good sites.

Amazing site, contains lots and lots of info on just about everything to do with saving the planet (six areas: climate, toxics, nuclear, oceans, genetic engineering, ocean dumping, forests). I suggest heading off to the sitemap first. Great educational tool. Subscription to Cyber-Activist gets you regular e-mail on the latest campaigns - highly recommended.

The Humane Society of the United States
This is information overkill. Extremely indepth details on general information, specific issues, animal welfare, activism, campaigns, legislation and advocacy, investigations, current issues, expert analysis and commentary, the whole lot. Very serious, very legit stuff. Also boasts streamlined video, audio reports, message boards, a section for kids, HSUS merchadise. The hot topics bit itself has over 40 sections, each linking to even more sites! Remarkable site. One of the best animal sites out there. No site map unfortunately.

International Fund for Animal Welfare
One of the most simplest, easiest to navigate animal sites around. Unlike most sites, this one does not overwhelm you with thin and meager data on a very wide spectrum of issues. IFAW aims to improve the general welfare of animals, and although not as radical and high-profile as other organizations, has accomplished much in its 31-year history. Latest campaigns are saving the whales in Japanese waters, and the awfully pitiful bile bears in China.

Liberation Animal Rights and Vegan Magazine
This site will disgust you. Very hardcore site with disturbing, bloody, highly graphic pictures. This site might shock and offend, but these images show the very real hell and brutal and slow torture animals are forced to endure at the hands of sadist (wo)men. These are FACTS people choose to ignore. Well - the truth hurts. I ask you to show this to as many people you know, at least they'll be put off by meat for a day or two. Make sure you go to the links too. I guarantee after reading this site you'll want to go out there and take a stand for these victims. The site also has a timetable for forthcoming meetings and demonstrations, if you're in the UK. Again, be warned that pictures are extremely, extremely upsetting.

The ultimate site for any anti-McDonalds activist. The site is fantastic, it has a detailed account on what went on during the 1996 McLibel trial, but also covers the issues (animals, environment, advertising, capitalism are a few) as to why, to some people, McDonalds remains the most vile and hated multinational in the world. Postings on the boards are somewhat creepy, but provides good food for thought. Has a mailing list. Recommended.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
My personal fave - this site will educate you, change you, inspire you. Straightforward and in your face, this site is about taking action and making change. Has absolutely everything you need to take a stand as an animal rights advocate/actvist. Action Alerts covers specific campaigns around the world needing urgent action. It's amazing how much 10-year old PETA has done for the animal rights movement. The merchandise section is worth going to. Also check out its mostly pro-vegan sister sites. Great stuff.

World Society for the Protection of Animals
Site of one of the most respected organizations in the world, you can't go wrong with this one. It's a fairly simple site with good pictures and also good info - WSPA does hands-on investigations around the world so content is reliable. Its animal rescue section is particularly endearing. Remember to dig into its campaigns archive.

War Dogs
A moving, emotional, tragic story of the American dogs in combat who saved soldiers' lives and served their country in the meanest of wars...who then were abandoned and left to die in enemy terrain when declared 'surplus armaments' when soldiers were sent home. This site - set up by the president of a pets food company, who also funded the War Dogs documentary aired on the Discovery channel in 1999 - is barely befitting for the courageous dogs who helped soldiers find traps, sniff out intruders, guarded army bases, saved wounded soldiers (the dogs prevented more than 10,000 casualties in Vietnam alone) - not to mention provide handlers with loyal and undying companionship and love. Please support this site.

World Animal Net

The great Henry Spira died 12 September 1998.

In Memoriam
A Loving Tribute
Reflections on Henry Spira

All of the world's animals thank you Henry

Your compassion will never be forgotten...

May earth's lost angels dance with you forever in the eternal heavens of peace and calm

Rest in peace Sweet Soldier

We love you

give us hearts to understand;
never to take from creation's beauty more than we give;
never to destroy wantonly for the furtherance of greed;
never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth's beauty;
never to take from her what we cannot use.
Give us hearts to understand
that to destroy earth's music is to create confusion;
that to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty;
that to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench;
that as we care for her she will care for us.
We have forgotten who we are.
We have sought only our own security.
We have exploited simply for our own ends.
We have distorted our knowledge.
We have abused our power.
Great Spirit, whose dry lands thirst,
help us to find the way to refresh your lands.
Great Spirit, whose waters are choked with debris and pollution,
help us to find the way to cleanse your waters.
Great Spirit, whose beautiful earth grows ugly with misuse,
help us to find the way to restore beauty to your handiwork.
Great Spirit, whose creatures are being destroyed,
help us to find a way to replenish them.
Great Spirit, whose gifts to us are being lost in selfishness and corruption,
help us to find the way to restore our humanity.

Author Unknown

Actions speak louder than words.
The animals have only one voice and that is ours.

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