- reproduced from message board, Nov. 2000
(with additional thanks to the additional writer)

hush move over - i need to get away
they're pushing me to the edge
these dizzying voices, banging mindgames
i'm ready to jump off from this ledge
this ledge i'm perched on, i'm tipoeing around on
i'm alone and fearless, got nothing to live for
my head is filled with noise and dirt
my thoughts are evil, of blood and gore
don't underestimate my need to be
away from this eroded land of disgrace
got nowhere to run, nowhere to be
i just want out of this dark place
take me to your paradise
of quiet waters and serenity
clear blue skies, dew topped hills
where i'll want to die peacefully

rrr/ 16 nov 00 hk

(by: DV8)
i watch one ledge,
so many i built,
no more bridges are left
for only craters all round
all there is
is this little piece floating in space
i blind my eyes as nothing is left
a shuffle here and a shuffle there
a little more here or there
and a fall into an unending oblivion
with nothing to loose but the love of life
with nothing left there is no life
come hold my hand lets crash and burn
together share the experience of a lifetime.. the last one of all..

truth appears and i decide
to end it here i cannot hide
no more of life's unbearable pain
i run no more never again

this one step i will take with u
a sense of calm I fall with u
eyes closed i see my destiny
its bliss its pure its heavenly

i smile because i sleep from now
eternal unconsciousness ive found
needless pain and suffering gone
oh death is life's sweet soothing song

rrr/ 18 nov 00 hk

(by: DV8)
I laugh at the childish bliss you describe,
this jump is one to crash & burn, not peace of mind!

Hells crater is one of undending pain,
even without the pleasures of this earth you choose to tint

Life is as a card game you see
dealt nothing but the best, a loss can be,
for fools loose even with all in their favour,

one can still win with worst hand possible,
by playing a rightful masair this victory could have been mine,
but I played wrong,
I may no longer have a game to play,

can I pull this game from fire's fury?
my mind plays, yet I loose on all fronts

thus this jump of mine be one of just cause,
not a childish false sense of what is past only heavens gates,

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